Monografia „Przestrzenie przekładu”
Przestrzenie przekładu
Red. Jolanta Lubocha-Kruglik, Oksana Małysa
Katowice: Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Śląskiego, 2016
ISBN 978-83-226-3039-6 (wersja drukowana)
ISBN 978-83-226-3040-2 (wersja elektroniczna)
Spis treści
Od redaktorów
Prezentowana monografia poświęcona jest w całości zagadnieniom przekładu. Zawarte w niej prace są wyrazem refleksji naukowej nad problemami powiązań między językiem a kulturą, nad zjawiskiem transferu międzykulturowego, nad funkcjonowaniem i recepcją tekstów tłumaczonych. Zaprezentowane tu wyniki badań uwzględniają różne podejścia metodologiczne i ideowe.
Jedną z koncepcji powstania tego tomu jest konfrontacja różnych metod językoznawczych i literaturoznawczych, z których jednak każda ukierunkowana jest na opis i wzbogacenie badań nad przekładem. Tom kierowany jest zarówno do teoretyków, jak też praktyków przekładu i innych osób zainteresowanych tą dziedziną wiedzy.
Teksty zostały podzielone na cztery grupy. W pierwszej z nich omówiono zagadnienia ogólne, takie jak problem barier językowych i kulturowych, relacja między cenzurą a przekładem, kwestia (nie)poprawności politycznej i jej implikacje dla przekładu.
Cześć druga zawiera teksty, które prezentują zagadnienia szczegółowe z zakresu przekładu artystycznego na przykładzie różnych par języków z uwzględnieniem aspektów kulturowych. Nie wszystkie omawiane tu aspekty prezentują nowe treści, każdy z nich jednak pozwala na uchwycenie nowych aspektów problemu.
W części trzeciej znalazły się teksty omawiające problemy tłumaczenia tekstów specjalistycznych. Przynoszą one wiele rozwiązań praktycznych, co może szczególnie zainteresować nie tylko tłumaczy, ale też adeptów tej sztuki.
Zaledwie dwa teksty znalazły się w części czwartej Tłumacze i ich przekłady. Biorąc jednak pod uwagę współczesne podejście do pracy tłumacza, przy którym jest on traktowany jako twórca i mediator między dwiema kulturami, temat ten wydaje się na tyle istotny, że uznałyśmy za konieczne wyodrębnienie go w oddzielną część tomu.
Interdyscyplinarność dyskusji, której wyniki przedstawiamy w monografii, pokazuje, jak ważna jest współpraca między badaczami reprezentującymi nie tylko różne języki, ale też różne obszary zainteresowań. Takie podejście pozwoliło na uchwycenie charakterystycznej dla przekładoznawstwa wieloaspektowości i różnorodności tematycznej, a także na nakreślenie kierunków jego rozwoju.
Jolanta Lubocha-Kruglik
Oksana Malysa
Zagadnienia ogólne
Jolanta Lubocha-Kruglik: Co nam przeszkadza w tłumaczeniu, czyli jeszcze o barierach w przekładzie
What disturbs us in translation or once again on barriers in translation
The article presents issues affecting the quality of translation. They are usually referred to as language and cultural barriers. Language barriers are most frequently connected with grammatical difficulties between languages while cultural barriers are understood as differences between languages resulting from the widely understood cultural differences. Occurrence of language barriers in translation leads to certain semantic shifts observed at many levels: axiological, pragmatic, cognitive, mental and others.
The article also emphasises the fact that frequently translation problems start already in the mother tongue. They are caused by wrong interpretation of the meaning of a text or its fragment. In addition, using incorrect meaning of words, lack of language precision as well as stylistic and punctuation carelessness pose another problem.
Anna Fimiak-Chwiłkowska: Tłumacz w roli twórcy, twórca w roli tłumacza
Translator as an author, an author as a translator
The literary translation due to its complexity and multidimensionality is undoubtedly a considerable challenge for a translator, who each time puts his own competences to the test. An interesting aspect in this context is the look at the characteristics of a translator of literary texts, who is also an author. The aim of this considerations is to sketch in the phenomenon of a poet-translator on an example of an eminent translator of Polish literature into German Henryk Bereska. The starting point are the considerations constituted on intertextual theories, that in a broader context imply questions not only about a peculiarity of transposition process of a work of an author by a poet-translator, but also in the context of relationships between their own work versus translation of a work of another poct about its influence on translation poetics. In terms of this paper the most important is the question about existence of intertextual clements between the work of a poet-translator and his translations work of another poet. The object of analysis are selected poems by Henryk Bereska and his translations into German of lyrics by Tadeusz Różewicz.
Anna Paszkowska-Wilk: Cenzura a przekład
Censorship and translation
The article is devoted to the phenomenon of political censorship in the Polish cinematog- raphy from the perspective of a film translator. The conclusions presented in the article have been drawn on the basis of an analysis of translations of Polish films into Russian done by means of subtitles, dubbing and the voice over technique. In order to evade limitations imposed by the ruling political party translators used various techniques which significantly influenced a final version of the translator’s work (i.e. film). Understanding implicitly presented threads of the plot allows for correct interpretation of the work in which a part of the meaning is hidden or indirectly presented through e.g. metaphors, symbols or music. The author also emphasises that the film is an art form in which information included in its each layer plays an important role in understanding meaning of the whole work.
Ilona Delekta: (Nie)poprawność polityczna w nauczaniu tłumaczenia (konfrontacja angielsko-polska)
Political (in)correctness in teaching translation (English-Polish confrontation)
The article is devoted to the issue of political correctness in English and Polish as well as in language teaching, particularly in teaching translation. The considerations presented here are based on Polish and English literature (the term English literature refers to publications by English native speakers), as well as on the author’s experience as a teacher and translator.
Certain sociocultural differences affecting the approach to this issue in both languages have been indicated. Due to complex and dynamic nature of the discussed issue, the article focuses only on selected language aspects which might cause problems with correct interpretation of the source text or its appropriate translation into Polish. Numerous examples, mainly from English, illustrate problems encountered by the translator and show how certain some assumptions of the political correctness in certain contexts can lead to absurd situations, misunderstandings or even identity loss.
Problemy przekładu artystycznego
Оксана Малыса: Карнавальный мир детективов Бориса Акунина в польских переводах
Carnival world of crime stories in Polish translations
The theory of carnivalisation in Bachtin’s approach, including certain cultural phenomena, is also reflected in translatology research. The article focuses mainly on the repertoire of linguistic devices related to the carnival, they include elements related to the identity change and a grotesque concept of the human body. Insults, curses and combination of components belonging to various style variations are also analysed from the same angle. The purpose of this article is the presentation of carnivalisation symptoms in the Boris Akunin’s criminal trilogy about the adventures of the nun Pelagia as well as describing specificity of translation techniques applied in translating the trilogy into Polish.
Grzegorz Gwoźdź, Piotr Mamet, Elżbieta Pawlikowska-Asendrych, Beata Rusek, Andrzej Skwara, Małgorzata Gola-Brydniak: Tłumaczenia tytułów filmów z Jamesem Bondem na język francuski, niemiecki i polski
The title translations of the James Bond films into French, German and Polish
The following article aims at the comparative analysis of the linguistic aspects of the movie title. The authors of the article analyzed 24 James Bond movie titles. The analysis includes the analysis of the relation between the original English titles and their counterparts in French, German and Polish. The research showed that the translators worked according to three patterns that are shown in the article. The authors also came to the conclusion that the translators of the analyzed titles mostly aimed at the functionality of translation.
Katarzyna Sadowska-Dobrowolska: Śladami kultury i obyczaju o aluzji socjo-kulturowej w przekładzie
On the trail of the culture and customs – the socio-cultural allusions in translation
The article is devoted to reflection on ways of translating socio-cultural allusions. The dif ficulties discussed centered around a number of issues, among which the most important are: analysis of translation of allusive content and its effects and attempt to answer the question about the possibility of developing a universal method of translation allusions.
Diversity of allusive references and unlimited possibility of introducing them to the text make the adoption of a single model of translating socio-cultural allusions impossible: each case is different in terms of type of allusions, the method of its introduction and the interpretation of its meaning. Therefore, the key to systematize the activities in the process of translating allusion may be moving methodological reflection on a more general level of relations between evocation, text and recipient. Any socio-cultural allusion on the one hand it is interfacing with the text, which has been introduced, on the other hand provided the renovation is the potential visibility in the process of receiving.
The relational approach to socio-cultural references allows, in the initial phase of translation, to determine their importance (significance) and readability (visibility). The analysis of the relation allusion-text allows identify and assess the status of specific allusions in relation to formal and narrative structure of the text. The question of readability concerns while the relation text recipient. Its analysis can determine the status of allusions in the hierarchy of translation: the clearer allusion to the recipient source and potentially the target, its „saving in translation seems to be more important. The proposed classification of socio-cultural references can serve to systematize the process of translation and to facilitate the process of finding concrete solutions of translation.
The practical illustration of reflections on the factors determining the treatment of allusions in translation and reflection on the existence of a system of rules translations were made comparative analysis of selected examples taken from three versions of the translation of the French comic Tour de Gaule d’Asterix, René Goscinny and Albert Uderzo (1965.) made by Jolanta Sztuczyńska (1992.) and Jaroslaw Kilian (1998. and 2011.) on request Egmont Publishing.
Кирилл Чекалов: Русские переводы прозы графини де Сегор: стратегии адаптация
Russian translations of comtesse de Ségur prose writings: adaptation strategies
The article explores the character of Russian translations of writings of a famous female writer comtesse de Ségur (nee S.F. Rostopchina): Les Malheurs de Sophie, Le Général Dourakine and others. Along with the influence of some general ideas of translation, typical for Russian translators of 19th century, the Russian versions of such her texts can attest a general incline towards elimination of a certain stylistic «atticism of comtesse de Ségur. Some of the translators actually tried to convey the «bifocalism of her works, when Russian reality and even Russian toponyms can sometimes come to be seen in the image of French province.
Анастасия Уржа: Прагматика praesens historicum в русском художественном переводе
Praesens historicum pragmatics in Russian literary translation
When interpreting an English narrative, Russian translator does not have to stick to the Sequence of Tenses rule, and so he finds himself in the situation of linguistic choice: he can prefer either past narrative or present historicum verb form. Studying Russian translations in this aspect, we can take into the account 'the addressee factor’, i.e. the pragmatic role of praesens historicum in a text, its influence on the reader. Comparing Russian interpretations of the English texts in different genres, we can see that the choice of verb forms is influenced by the overall pragmatic strategy chosen by a translator. As the analysis shows, this strategy induces the translator to make praesens historicum forms interact with some other linguistic means also helping to grasp the reader’s attention to the narrated events.
Maja Kosioł: Obraz młodości w rosyjskim przekładzie „Pornografii” Witolda Gombrowicza
Picture of youth in the Russian translations of „Pornography” by Witold Gombrowicz
The aim of the article is to present the results of the reconstruction of the selected aspects of the language picture of the youth in the original text and Russian translations of the novel Pornography by Witold Gombrowicz. The contrast between immaturity and maturity is one of the most important motives in Pornography and it consitutes the main axis of the novel. The purpose of the analysis is to verify the hypothesis that in spite of the close genetic rela- tionship between Russian and Polish languages the pictures of youth in the original text and translations of the novel are different, which is the result of the translators’ choices and of the difference in the pictures of youth encoded in both languages. The theoretical basis of the work is constituted by the assumption that a translator creates a new linguistic reality based on the linguistic and cultural means encoded in a given language that he has at his disposal. As a result the notions traditionally reserved for semantics and cultural linguistics can and should be used in the translation studies.
Magdalena Mitura: Tłumacz jako mediator trzeciej kultury. Ksenizmy we francuskim przekładzie „Po wyzwoleniu… (1944–1956)” Barbary Skargi
Translator as the mediator of the third culture Xenisms in the French translation of 'Po wyzwoleniu… (1944–1956)” by Barbara Skarga
The paper discusses translation techniques used by Maryla Laurent to transpose Russian insertions depicting the realities of the gulag, presented by Barbara Skarga in her memories from the Soviet forced-labour camp, into French.
Comparative analyses have been focused on three groups of phenomena. The first group includes names of functions in the camp: narkom, chleborez, nariadezik. The second group includes types of prisoners, such as e.g. stukacz, dochodiaga, urkaczka. The third group in- cludes lexical items referring to the daily life of zeks (gulag prisoners), c.g. zaczoty, tufta, pieriewospitanije.
Different political circumstances determine different paradigms for the interface between the original and target language, and the Russian language. While the borderline between the worlds of Soviets and Poles was, nolens volens, very harsh, contacts between Soviets and the French were of different nature, not backed by the collective experience of the nation. This fact determines different impact of the alienation effect in the texts, and consequently leads to significant divergence in the reception of foreign insertions.
Monika Gawlak: Tłumacz wobec historii elementy kulturowe w przekładzie powieści Draga Jančara pt. „Widziałem ją tej nocy”
Translators to History – cultural elements in the interpretation of Drago Jančar’s novel entitled To noč sem jo videl
The article concerns the novel To noč sem jo videl by a slovenian author Drago Jančar and the interpretation of culturally marked elements in Joanna Pomorska’s Polish translation In the majority of such elements, the translator peels the strategy of foreignisation. It seems to be, that despite the intention of preserving foreignity of the work (intentio operis by Eco) related to the historical context, it is unable to be fully readable for a Polish reader. The less accessible remains the novel’s clearing level concering operations of national liberation taking place in The Kingdom of Yugoslavia at the end of the Second World War. The only actual reading of the novel takes place only in more individual, personal, less historical and national perspective.
Problemy przekładu specjalistycznego
Ewa Białek: Z problemów opisu słownictwa specjalistycznego: „Dyplomacja i polityka. Rosyjsko-polska sonda słownikowa”
On the problems of description of specialist vocabulary: „Diplomacy and politics. Russian-Polish dictionary survey”
The article deals with the problem of lexicographic description of vocabulary related to the arca of foreign affairs. Based on the study „Diplomacy and politics. Russian-Polish dictionary ey”, the author shows major problems faced by a lexicographer. The analysed lexemes survey, telonging to two different linguistic systems can take different meanings or values, be new (foreign) either in the same way or to a different degree for these systems. New meanings of lexemes see: шерп (шepпa)/szerpa demand introducing definitions or additional descriptive data to the dictionary entry. As the research proves, constant development of the official variation of language makes it necessary to reconceptualise existing descriptions of certain lexemes or their combinations.
Teresa Zobek: W poszukiwaniu rosyjskich odpowiedników przekładowych polskich terminów cywilnoprawnych z zakresu orzeczeń w postępowaniu cywilnym
Searching for Russian translation equivalents of Polish civil law terminology used in civil proceeding judgments
This article is devoted to the civil law terminology in Polish and their Russian equiva lents in the area of judgments given in the civil proceeding by the courts of the first instance The discussed terminology includes the terms such as: wyrok – решение судa, nakaz zapłaty w postępowaniu nakazowyут – судебный приказ в приказном производстве, nakaz zapłaty w postępowaniu upominawсzym – судебный приказ в напоминательном производстве, nakaz zapłaty w elektronicznym postępowaniu upominawczym – судебный приказ в электронном напоминательном производстве, europejski nakaz zapłaty – европейский судебный приказ, postanowienie co do istoty – решение суда, postanowienie – определение суда.
It is emphasised that searching for Russian equivalents in this area is a difficult time-consuming process, particularly in the current 'terminological chaos’ in the Polish-Russian terminology related to the language of law and legal terminology. The best method of finding adequate equivalents in translation is a confrontation of parallel texts which has also been applied in this article.
Anna Podstawska: Odpisy aktów stanu cywilnego w polsko-rosyjskiej konfrontacji przekładowej
Polish and Russian copies of civil registration certificates: a comparative translation analysis
The aim of the article is to present results of a comparative analysis of Polish and Russian copies of civil registration certificates. The analysis revealed differences between Polish and Russian documents at various levels of text organization. Knowledge of these differences may be useful, for instance, to translators due to increasing the level of their genre competence. Anticipation of potential translation problems and providing solutions to them before they occur can optimize the process by reducing translation time and improving translation quality. The article also emphasises the need for confrontation of different legal systems as well as parallel texts functioning in those systems.
Dariusz Gancarz: Rodzaje kontartypów w polskim prawie karnym i propozycje ich przekładu na język polski
Kinds of contratypes in Polish criminal law and the specificity of their translation into Russian
The article is devoted to countertypes, i.e. typical situations (circumstances) which always exclude criminal lawlessness of an act, and sometimes also any other kind of lawlessness. The term 'countertype’, used in the legal language, was coined by Vladislav Volter, who introduced this concept into the Polish criminal law. What is more, in certain legal systems this term does not exist, and the equivalent institution is called a circumstance excluding either crime or lawlessness and penalty (in Russia: обстоятельства, исключающие преступность деяния).
The article presents the classification of the countertypes in the Polish criminal law and provides brief descriptions of both legal and non-legal examples of countertypes as well as some suggestions of how to translate them into Russian and presents the assessment of the suggested options. Additionally, the article also refers to the criminal law of the Russian Federation and the regulation related to countertypes in the Russian penal code.
Józef Kuffel: Translacja tekstu religijnego przekaz doświadczenia duchowego. Twórczość przekładowa świętych Nila Sorskiego i Paisjusza Wieliczkowskiego
Translation of religious text – transmission of spiritual experience The translation work of saints Paisius Velichkovsky and Nil Sorsky
Basic issues
- The meaning of the writer’s function in the culture of Old Rus’
- Kirillo-Belozersky Monastery as one of the main writing centers of the 15th century
- St. Nil Sorsky’s translation of Sinodik or prayer for the dead of St. Cyril of Jerusalem
- The rules concerning editing and correction of old translations of saints’ lives of the first millennium of Eastern Christianity in St. Nil Sorsky’s Sobornik
- St. Maximus the Greek’s programme of renewal of the community of Orthodox Greeks and Slavs based on the patristic heritage
- Translation work of St. Paisius Velychkovsky and the revival of Orthodoxy in the sec- ond half of the 18th century
- The new translation of The Ascetical Homilies of St. Isaac the Syrian by St. Paisius Velichkovsky.
Ludmila Lambeinová: Rola paratekstu w czeskim oraz angielskim przekładzie A. Paczkowskiego „Pól wieku dziejów Polski”
The Role of Paratext in the Czech and English Translation of History Book „Pół wieku dziejów Polski” by Andrzej Paczkowski
The history book Pół wieku dziejów Polski by Andrzej Paczkowski was translated to Czech by Petruška Šustrová (Paczkowski, A., Půl století dějin Polska 2000). The book was translated to English by Jane Cave (Paczkowski, A., The Spring Will Be Ours. Poland and the Poles from Occupation to Freedom 2003). As the source language text was written originally for Polish readers, some culture bound items may not be obvious to foreign readers. Thus the American edition contains these elements of the paratext: Preface by Author, Appendixes and Bibliography of English-Language Work on Recent Polish History etc. In the Czech edition, only Bibliography and Preface translated from Polish could be found, however that is not a recommended solution. Because of the lack of paratext in the Czech translation, the Czech translation does not seem to take into account its readers.
Jūlija Rastorgujeva: Метод естественной критической обучающей среды как средство повышения качества подготовки переводчика
Method of Natural Critical Learning Environment as a Means of Improving the Quality of Translator Training
The study examines the feasibility of using the method of Natural Critical Learning Environment (Ken Bain), bringing together the principle of active learning and techniques of critical thinking development.
As part of the study, the students of the study programme „Translation and Interpreting” of Baltic International Academy handle socially important projects related to translation of authentic texts and aimed at creating a Natural Learning Environment. The idea of translation of authentic texts is not a new concept.
The comparison of the translation process during the standard in-class session and creating a Natural Learning Environment allows us to formulate the following benefits to attract students to work in real translation projects: social and personal values (a great sense of social belonging); intercultural values (a deeper study of the culture of target languages and cultural issues of translated texts to improve the translation quality); linguistic interaction and improving language skills (a more active role of students in the training process to improve the translation quality); authentic translation difficulties (feeling the taste of real translation problems and attempts to solve them); the value of the actual fruits of their labour.
Even the interim results of the study convince us that the creation of Natural Learning Environment within the process of translation training helps to improve the quality of training, the quality of translated materials, to stimulate and to motivate students to master their translation competence.
Tłumacze i ich przekłady
Тадеуш Боруцки: Асар Исаевич Эппель (1935–2012). Слово о писателе и переводчике
Asar Eppel (1935–2012) – a word about a writer and translator
The paper presents a literary biography of the recently deceased writer and translator. Asar Eppel translated into Russian works of such writers and poets as: Petrarch, Boccaccio, Brecht, Kipling and Singer, but it is his renditions of Polish poetry and prose, encompassing works from baroque to the 21 century, that constitute a special part of his legacy. Thanks to Asar Eppel Russian readers have had an opportunity to get acquainted with the prose of Sienkiewicz and Schulz and poetry of Tuwim, Gałczyński, Grochowiak, Różewicz, Wojtyła and Szymborska. In Russia Eppel is also appreciated as a writer. His three collections of short stories and a collection of essays are characterized by an unusually wide variety of literary devices.
Barbara Brzezicka: Tadeusz Boy-Żeleński jako tłumacz filozofii
Tadeusz Boy-Zeleński as a translator of philosophical texts
In this paper we try to present Tadeusz Boy-Żeleński as a translator of philosophy. First of all, we try to define philosophical translation as such, placing it rather among scientific writings than literary works. Some norms and criteria determined for example by Polish philosopher Roman Ingarden are then explained. Finally, we present Boy-Żeleński’s work as a translator, its reception in Poland, as well as some critical texts. In the last part his translation of Discourse on Method (being the most „philosophical” and the least „literary” among his translations of French philosophy) is thouroughly analysed, so as to show its strong and weak points.
Przestrzenie przekładu, tom 2
Red. Jolanta Lubocha-Kruglik, Oksana Małysa
Katowice: Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Śląskiego, 2017
ISBN (wersja drukowana) 978-83-226-3127-0
ISBN (wersja elektroniczna) 978-83-226-3128-7
Spis treści
Od redaktorów
Drugi tom monografii Przestrzenie przekładu, który oddajemy do Państwa rąk, jest rezultatem konfrontacji różnych metod językoznawczych i literaturoznawczych, stosowanych we współczesnych badaniach przekładoznawczych. W debacie, która dała możliwość ukazania różnorodności tematycznej i wielopłaszczyznowości tych badań oraz nakreślenia pewnych aspektów ich rozwoju, wzięli udział przekładoznawcy z Polski, Rosji, Gruzji, Czech, Kazachstanu i Ukrainy, reprezentujący różne języki, dyscypliny i zainteresowania. W swych artykułach wypowiadają się oni zarówno na tematy ogólne, przedstawiając nowe lub zmodyfikowane propozycje teoretyczne, jak i szczegółowe, dotyczące konkretnych rozwiązań w odniesieniu do różnych par językowych. Interdyscyplinarna dyskusja, której wyniki tu ukazujemy, pokazała, jak ważna i twórcza jest współpraca między specjalistami reprezentującymi różne języki, różne podejścia metodologiczne i wreszcie – różne zainteresowania badawcze. Przekonała nas również, że istnieje potrzeba organizacji przekładoznawczych spotkań naukowych w szerszym gronie.
Teksty w tomie zostały podzielone na pięć grup. W pierwszej z nich omówiono zagadnienia ogólne, takie jak: miejsce przekładu literackiego w przestrzeni symbolicznej, kwestia imion precedensowych w aspekcie przekładowym, problem rewitalizacji językowej klasyki literackiej, zagadnienia związane z ekwiwalencją, a także z odbiorem humoru i możliwością jego przekładu.
Część druga zawiera teksty, które prezentują zagadnienia szczegółowe z zakresu przekładu artystycznego, na przykładzie różnych par języków. Znalazły się tu więc prace poświęcone analizie twórczości poszczególnych pisarzy i poetów, Wisławy Szymborskiej, Josepha Conrada, Yolande Villemaire, Aleksandry Marininy, Dacii Maraini, Beatrix Potter, Andrzeja Bursy. W części tej odnajdziemy też omówienie specyfiki humoru w filmach o Jamesie Bondzie i kwestii semantyki modalnej przypisów tłumacza na materiale powieści Marka Twaina. Nie wszystkie omawiane tu aspekty prezentują wyłącznie nowe treści, w każdym jednak można odnaleźć nowe spojrzenie na dany problem.
W części trzeciej znalazły się analizy dotyczące tłumaczenia dokumentów, tekstów specjalistycznych, a także prace związane z funkcjonowaniem terminów specjalistycznych w komunikacji – w dydaktyce, translacji i w mediach. Poruszają one nie tylko zagadnienia teoretyczne, ale też przynoszą wiele rozwiązań praktycznych.
Cztery artykuły znalazły się w części czwartej – Rzecz o tłumaczach. Biorąc pod uwagę współczesne podejście do pracy tłumacza, gdzie jest on traktowany jako twórca i mediator między dwiema kulturami, konieczne wydaje się wyodrębnienie tego zagadnienia w osobną część tomu.
Ostatnia część monografii poświęcona jest zagadnieniom gramatycznym w przekładzie.
Praca kierowana jest nie tylko do teoretyków i praktyków przekładu, ale także do adeptów oraz innych osób zainteresowanych tą dziedziną wiedzy.
Wyrażamy nadzieję, że tematy poruszone w niniejszej publikacji będą dla Państwa inspiracją do własnych poszukiwań, ale również zachętą do podzielenia się nimi w kolejnej edycji.
Jolanta Lubocha-Kruglik
Oksana Małysa
Zagadnienia ogólne
Małgorzata Gaszyńska‑Magiera: Przekład literacki w przestrzeni symbolicznej
Literary translation in the symbolic space
The article discusses the problem of a place of literary translation in the symbolic space with reference to concepts of space presented in the works of Ernest Cassirer, Maurice Merleau‑ Ponty and Yi‑Fu Tuan. It implies that the literary translation consists on moving the text from the unknown part of the symbolic space to another one which is a component of the view of the world, i.e. one of the elements which give the feeling of safety to a man. However, by this act a man usurps a part of the space which members of other culture consider their. Thereby, the concept of translation as a field of an inevitable struggle for the symbolic power becomes more clear.
Henryk Fontański: Z jazyczija na łemkowski. Rewitalizacja językowa klasyki literackiej
From jazyczije to Lemko. Language revitalization of literary classics
The article discusses the problem of Lemko speech reflection in the novel Шибеничний верх by Vladimir Hylyak, a classic of the Lemko literature of 19th century, written in the socalled „jazyczije” and adapting this work to a modern standard Lemko language. Also presented the possibility of using a comparative analysis of the original text with its translation to the modern Lemko language studies.
Оксана Малыса: Прецедентные имена в аспекте художественного перевода
Appellative proper names in artistic translation
The article presents issues connected with people’s names which are appellatives. They make reference to historical events, well‑known literary works, popular motives from the Internet reality etc. Through entering the scope of various communication communities, they constitute important elements of culture. This type of antroponyms, used in the works of contemporary Russian writers and their translation into Polish, is a subject of the analysis presented in this article .
Iwona Wowro: Humor w przekładzie. Pole do popisu i zabawy?
Humour in Translation. An Opportunity to Show off and Have Fun?
The main aim of the article is to discuss selected aspects of translation, taking as an example the difficulties connected with translating expressive texts. An analysis of translation errors made while translating humorous texts into German serves as empirical verification. It provides a starting point to find and classify the most frequent errors and inaccuracies. Attention is also paid to creative aspects of translations done.
Maciej Labocha: Ile ekwiwalencji? Czyli od systemu do pragmatyki
How much equivalence? From system to pragmatics
The article is devoted to interlingual equivalence which oscillates between what is systemic and what is pragmatic. The author describes the problem of interpretation of system equivalence which principally belongs to confrontative linguistics and juxtaposes it with consituational equivalence which, in turn, is closer to translatology. In this approach, however, this is not regarded as a translatological term but as a phenomenon.
Problemy przekładu artystycznego
Joanna Warmuzińska‑Rogóż: Wokół przekładowej dominanty. La vie en prose Yolande Villemaire w „Literaturze na Świecie”
About translation dominant. Yolande Villemaire’s La vie en prose in “The World Literature”
Not very popular in Poland though, this year the literature of Quebec has appeared for the second time in the magazine “Literatura na Świecie” (No. 3-4/2016). Among others, a fragment of the novel La vie en prose by Yolande Villemaire has been published, being one of the representatives of Québec feminism, whose writing is known for its formal experimentation and games with the reader. Given the genesis of the novel, the author’s artistic intention and a large number of intertextual elements, the novel by Villemaire could be classified as untrans- latable, and as such maybe not worth being translated. Thus, the publication in «Literatura na Świecie” is particular, and an undeniable difficulty of a text cannot be a criterion of selection. If we take as a starting point the notion of translation’s dominant defined among others by Anna Bednarczyk (2008), then an interpretation of the text elements that subjectively should be reflected in the target text will belong to the translator. This analysis is an attempt to de- scribe the most important problems of translation perceived through the prism of the notion of translation’s dominant.
Jolanta Lubocha-Kruglik: Powieść kryminalna jako gatunek „zmącony”. Aleksandra Marinina w polskich przekładach
Crime novel as a hybrid genre. Alexandra Marinina in Polish translations
Crime novels by Alexandra Marinina do not fulfil requirements of the pure genre. They may be treated rather as ‘a great narration of society’ and about what is happening ‘here and now’. In her novels there is no blood, description of violence, false trails or sensational chases. In order to compensate her readers for this, the author introduces into her books psychological and dramatic threads. Marinina knows criminal circles very well and she knows their way of thinking. Besides, she has skills enabling her to describe this in a masterly manner. However, these features of her novels are not always reflected in Polish translations of her novels.
Katarzyna Sadowska‑Dobrowolska: Świat prze(d)stawiony w tłumaczeniu. O modyfikacjach struktury znaczeniowej tekstu w przekładzie
The world depicted in translation. On modifications of the semantic structure of translated text
According to Roman Ingarden’s concept of a literary work, artistic text is a multi-layered structure consisting, for example, of schematized appearances and presented objects, as well as the so-called gaps and underspecified areas which are “filled in” by the recipient while reading. Their layout, internal proportions and mutual relationships determine the semantic potential of text and its unique character.
The presented article is a contribution to research in transformations of the depicted world in literary texts which take place due to translation. Our analysis was prompted by a desire to look at a translator’s work (and its outcome) considering the reception of the target text,
i.e. from the recipient’s perspective. Central in our study were modifications of the semantic structure of the initial text (e.g. disruption of the lexical network which underlies the depicted world, shifting emphases within the semantic structure of a literary work), thus affecting the stylistic-aesthetic aspect of a piece and imaginary patterns created by the author, i.e. the depicted world in the text which is handed over to the target reader, and – predictably – the reception of the work and its functioning in the target culture. The Author investigates proper names, treated as the most clearly determined elements of the textual “map” of the world. Our specific comparative considerations focused on translations into Polish, French and Italian of George’s R.R. Martin’s Song of Ice and Fire of names of selected geographical regions, towns, characters, and other elements which provide for some “local colour.”
Agnieszka Adamowicz‑Pośpiech: Najnowsze przekłady Jądra ciemności na XXI w. Analiza kontrastywna
The latest retranslations of „Heart of Darkness” in 21st century. A contrastive analysis
There are few books that have four or five retranslations within two decades – Heart of Darkness belongs to such works. The paper aims at a contrastive analysis of the latest four Polish retranslations of Heart of Darkness in a synchronic perspective, to show how different translators render the same text for various audiences. In line with Descriptive Translation Studies, the purpose of the analysis is not to evaluate the retranslations but to highlight the forms of manipulation applied to the original. For the analysis the following retranslations were chosen: Jędrzej Polak’s (1994/2009), Barbara Koc’s (2000), Patrycja Jabłońska’s (2008) and Magda Heydel’s (2011).
Ewa Drab: Odniesienia historyczne i kulturowe w literaturze fantasy i jej tłumaczeniu. Propozycje przekładu Les ombres de Wielstadt Pierre’a Pevela z języka francuskiego na polski
Historical and cultural references in fantasy literature and its translation French-Polish translation suggestions for “Les Ombres de Wielstadt” by Pierre Pevel
Translation of fantasy literature requires from the translator to be familiar with the tradition of the genre and to be exact in interpreting the author’s intentions. It is also important that the translator be creative when describing phenomena typical exclusively of a given imaginary world. Numerous authors build their own fantastic universes in reference to reality, thus creating subgenres, e.g. historical fantasy. It allows to anchor the alien world in culture and engage the reader in its exploration. Hence, translation needs to take into account the individual character of fantasy as a genre as well as the references to the extra-linguistic reality, which binds the imaginary motives with historical elements, making the story more real. Establishing connections between the story and culture and history are characteristic of non-Anglophone authors who attempt at abandoning the Anglo-Saxon model of fantasy. Les ombres de Wielstadt, Pierre Pevel’s first novel, constitutes a perfect illustration what challenges a translator has to face when translating historical fantasy. In his story, Pevel intertwines an imaginary plot with the history of Thirty Years’ War and showcases the opposition between fantasy and history by choosing the vocabulary carefully, combining historical references with fictitious elements, stylizing the descriptions and drawing in the genre’s tradition. How should a translator approach such a text?
Tadeusz Borucki: Versa est in statuam salis. O rosyjskim tłumaczeniu Żony Lota Wisławy Szymborskiej
Versa est in statuam salis. About the russian translation of Szymborska’s “Lot’s Wife”
The author of the paper analyses the Russian translation of the poem by Wisława Szymborska, Lot’s Wife, made by a famous translator of Polish poetry and prose, Asar Eppel. The poem is based upon a Biblical event described in the Book of Genesis: the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah. The poem is built of a sequence of causative structures in which the title heroine explains away her looking back that resulted in her being turned into a pillar of salt. The translator renders adequately successive causative structures, however he uses high register lexemes much more often than the author of the original version.
Małgorzata Ślarzyńska: Dacii Maraini Donna in guerra / Wojująca kobieta – granice transgresji
Dacia Maraini’s “Donna in Guerra” in Poland: the Borders of Transgression
The article focuses on the analysis of narrative changes which have emerged in the process of translation of a fragment of the novel Donna in guerra by Dacia Maraini. The fragment of Polish version of the novel was published in the periodical “Literatura na Świecie” in 1977 and was translated by Kazimiera Fekecz. As a result of cuts made in the process of translation of the excerpt, a very important character and relevant motifs and events have been erased from the text, and the images of other characters have been deformed. These changes in consequence resulted in the shifts of power relations in the novel. The author formulates the hypothesis that the cuts and changes in the adaptation were rooted in the characteristics of the target culture of that time.
Piotr Mamet, Grzegorz Gwóźdź, Gabriela Wilk: (Nie)śmiertelny humor Agenta 007
(Im)mortal humor of James Bond 007
The following article is devoted to the analysis of 15 idioms selected from the 14 films about James Bond. 30 Polish translations (voice over and subtitles versions), and 15 translations into Russian (dubbed version) were analyzed. James Bond idioms are the comments to a situation in which he averts danger. They are also descriptions of the circumstances of the death of his opponents. The article discusses the translation operations used in the translation of idioms from English into Polish and Russian. A particular method of AVT was taken into account while assessing its effectiveness. The analysis showed that preserving both the original idiomatic character of the source language expression and its relation to the film image turned out to be a challenge on the side of the translators.
Marcin Gliński: O tłumaczeniu nazw własnych przez Mirosławę Czarnocką‑Wojs w opowieściach Beatrix Potter
About Mirosława Czarnocka-Wojs’s Proper Name Translations in the Polish Edition of “The Complete Tales” by Beatrix Potter
The following article is devoted to the analysis of the proper name translations introduced by Mirosława Czarnocka-Wojs into her Polish edition of The Complete Tales by Beatrix Potter, published in 1991 by Wydawnictwo ALFA in Warsaw. Proper names, such as anthroponyms, toponyms, zoonyms, phytonyms, chrematonyms and ideonyms, containing some scores of diminutive and augmentative forms of nouns and adjectives, and revealing the culture of Great Britain, are held under close scrutiny by the author of the article. The Polish reality of the 1990s was taken into consideration during the analysis of the enumerated elements as one of the possible aspects that might have influenced the adults’ and children’s interpretation of Beatrix Potter’s works.
Weronika Sztorc: Numer buta, parę złotych i spór o morgi. Przekład jednostek miary, wagi i czasu jako elementów kulturowych w poezji Andrzeja Bursy – analiza porównawcza
Shoe size, a couple of coins, and a squabble over fences. Translating units of measure in Andrzej Bursa’s poetry – a comparative analysis
The article presents an analysis of the techniques applied to translate the units of time, weight and measure in Andrzej Bursa’s works rendered into English by Kevin Christianson and Halina Abłamowicz (Selected poems, Kraków, Art-Park Publisher 2008) and Wiesiek Powaga (Killing Auntie & other work, London, CB editions 2009).
The selection of translation difficulties and the solutions applied thereto are analyzed from the perspective of the two major translation strategies: foreignization and domestication, and taking into consideration the difficulty in being consistent. What is underlined are such situations wherein the choice between retaining the semantic layer and rendering the formal structure appears particularly difficult and complicated due to the significant consequences for the shape of the poem.
In the conclusion, the observations concerning the translation of the units of time, weight and measure are summed up. To prove the vital role of the culture-bound items of this kind, the contexts wherein such elements cause the most complex problems are emphasized, and the consequences of the translators’ inconsistent use of a given strategy are highlighted.
Анастасия Уржа: Переводческие сноски как объект семантического исследования
Translator’s footnotes as the subject of semantic researches
Translator’s footnotes, commenting on the interpreted realia, are studied in two aspects. On the one hand, they are perceived as one of the ways of translating realia (alongside with paraphrase, generalization etc.) On the other hand, they are treated as micro-texts that don’t belong to the author and intervene the original, and so they are allowed only as an ultimate step if all else fails to translate a word, an idiom etc. This study is focused on the subjectivity of translator’s footnotes and the ways of its realization in accordance with the whole translation, its grammar and meaning, its target audience. Four Russian translations of the Mark Twain’s novel The Adventures of Tom Sawyer are compared in this perspective.
Zagadnienia przekładu specjalistycznego
Anna Paszkowska‑Wilk, Anna Podstawska: Prawo tłumacza, czyli język specjalistyczny na szklanym ekranie
Translator’s law – specialized language on the tv screen
The aim of the article is to present the results of a comparative analysis of a Polish legal drama television series Prawo Agaty and its Russian translation. The analysis revealed strategies chosen by the film translator and main issues of specialized translation of film dialogues. Authors also emphasize that film translator’s profession requires broad knowledge of language, culture and, as in this case, functioning of different legal systems in countries of source-language and target-language.
It should be noted, that language of film dialogues in the television series Prawo Agaty is only stylized legal language. The task of a translator is to translate phrases spoken by the characters using parallel structures in target-language, taking into consideration the style and devices used by the authors of the original text.
Lubomír Hampl: Glosa nad tłumaczeniem hebrajskiego leksemu ַָאּיה ’ajjâh w czeskich i polskich przekładach Pisma Świętego
A Gloss on Rendering the Hebrew Lexeme ַָאּיה ’ajjâh in Czech and Polish Translations of the Bible
The objective of the article is to outline important linguistic issues concerning approximate names of birds in the target language and formally-aesthetic verification of avifaunisic equivalence. The question is if the functional norms for each national language are obeyed within the sphere of translation. We used Czech and Polish biblical renditions from a contrastive perspective as the research material (about 20 translations [10 Czech and 10 Polish], from different periods, representing various religious canons and affiliations). In order to present the scope of research, which is „norm”, „the sphere of translation” and „cultural reality” (cf. interlingual analysis and the interlingual analysis which is a basic part of contrastive research), first, the so-called three-graded operation was used, called identification – interpretation – translation. Subsequently, translation differences of the analyzed issues in Czech and Polish biblical renditions were shown, they concentrate on the Hebrew lexeme ’ajjâh.
Ewa Białek: Translaty nieopisane – próba definicji i klasyfikacji (na materiale projektu „Dyplomacja i polityka. Rosyjsko‑polska sonda słownikowa”)
Undescribed translated items – an attempt at definition and classification (based on the data of the project “Diplomacy and politics. Russian-Polish dictionary survey”)
The article addresses the problem of undescribed translated items, or the items that are not recorded by lexicographic sources. The author gives their classification as well as the two criteria for their specification – on the one hand, being recorded in dictionaries, on the other – functioning as potential or actual translated items in texts.
Mariola Szymczak‑Rozlach: Wybrane problemy translacyjne w tekstach cywilnoprawnych (konfrontacja słowacko‑polska)
Selected translation problems in civil law texts (Slovak-Polish confrontation)
The purpose of this article is to indicate problems resulting from translation of specialist civil law texts from Slovak into English. Research material consists of translations made by students of the Slavic studies. The author analyses issues related to translation strategies, translator’s errors and language errors with particular focus on legal and administrative terminology as well as the specificity of specialised translation. Genetic closeness of both languages causes not only strong interference but also problems stemming from discrepancies between legal systems of the analysed languages.
Кетеван Сопромадзе: Перевод как способ идентификации термина (на материале маркетинговой терминологии)
Translation as an identification method of the term (on the basis of marketing terminology materials)
The basic complication of translation of scientific text is identification and comprehension of scientific terms of the original text. In case of interpretation of the term and incorrect identification of its implication field, terminological mistake can be fixed that supports creation of pseudoscientific text. L.M. Lappe offers us to pay special attention to the text model and then its subject and logical sides, namely, proper perception of concept on the basis of explicated semantic steps and later proper extending, in other words interpretation in other language.
Whilst translation of scientific text making mistake was stipulated by typological characters of the text- logical extending of scientific text where the concepts are developed. Therefore, in the process of translation, the basic endeavor should be concentrated not only to translation of separate terms but it shall be focused on creation of potentially dynamic inter-textual spaceconcept field for the purpose of making various information implications in scientific field.
Teresa Zobek: Sąd arbitrażowy, polubowny czy gospodarczy? Dylemat tłumacza
Court of arbitration, court of conciliation or commercial court – translator’s dilemma
The article is an attempt at finding a faithful and adequate Polish equivalent of the Russian term „арбитражный суд” which by far has been most frequently translated as „sąd arbitrażowy” (court of arbitration). Searching for an appropriate equivalent is also a reason for introduction, discussion and systematization of Polish and Russian terminology related to commercial and conciliation court proceedings from the philologist-translator point of view.
Ilona Delekta: Dokumenty konsumenckie – wyzwanie dla użytkownika i tłumacza
Consumer documents – a challenge for a consumer and a translator
The article is devoted to selected consumer documents and their translations as well as the problems encountered by a translator and an average consumer making an attempt at their correct interpretation. At first the article defines consumer documents, and an average consumer and who is their author or translator. On the basis of the collected research material the author indicated some linguistic and non-linguistic aspects affecting their correct interpretation by a translator and a consumer. Incorrectly drafted or translated consumer text can result in serious legal, financial, health or other consequences, both for a consumer or a manufacturer or seller.
Dariusz Gancarz: Formy stadialne przestępstwa oraz odmiany sprawstwa w polskim i rosyjskim prawie karnym – problemy natury terminologicznej i translatorycznej
Stadial Forms of Crime as Well as the Forms of Perpetration in Polish and Russian Penal Law – Terminological and Translational Problems
The article analyzes stadial forms of crime as well as the forms of perpetration in Polish and Russian penal law, taking into consideration both terminological and translational problems, that translators of Polish texts often meet with. Moreover, coherence of penal bills has been examined and discussed, that helped to chose appropriate equivalents. The article also puts attention to concepts and terms repeatedly misinterpreted, therefore incorrectly translated into Russian.
Ludmila Lambeinová: Tłumaczenie elementów kulturowych w czeskim przekładzie pracy Andrzeja Chwalby: III Rzeczpospolita. Raport specjalny
Translation culture-bound items in Czech translation of academic publication by Andrzej Chwalba „III Rzeczpospolita. Raport specjalny”
This paper presents a case study on the translation of culture-bound items in Czech translation of academic publication III Rzeczpospolita. Raport specjalny written by Polish historian Andrzej Chwalba. The aim is twofold: the first aim is to discuss and to analyse translation solutions used by the Czech translator. The second aim is to investigate the phenomenon of culture-bound items with respect to the contemporary translation theories and cross-culture communication. In the concluding section, the main finding are summarized and some implica- tions of chosen translation solutions as an important phenomenon in the dialogue of cultures are considered.
Anna Kizińska: Polskie ekwiwalenty terminów civil partner, civil partnership, decree nisi oraz separation agreement
Polish equivalents of terms “civil partner”, “civil partnership”, “decree nisi” and “separation agreement”
This paper constitutes an attempt to assess Polish equivalents of the British terms “civil partner”, “civil partnership”, “decree nisi” and “separation agreement” suggested in most popular bilingual specialist dictionaries, IATE base and the forum for translators In this article the definitions of English equivalents coming from specialist monolingual legal dictionaries as well as the definitions of their Polish (if they appear in the sources of the Polish law or doctrine). The phrases under analysis constitute “terms” according to the definition of Sager, “terms of law” according to the definition of Morawski and “non-equivalent terms” according to Kierzkowska. Moreover, the translation techniques used while formulating the discusses equivalents have been determined. What is more, for some non-equivalent terms new functional equivalents, that have not appeared in most popular bilingual specialist dictionaries, IATE base or the forum for translators have been suggested. In the article the term “technique” is interpreted in accordance with the definition by Hejwowski and “functional equivalent” – according to Šarčević.
Елена Хавкина: Терминология сферы социально‑психологической поддержки в переводческом аспекте (на материале английского, украинского и русского языков)
Terminology of social and psychological support sphere in terms of translation (based on English, Ukrainian and Russian languages)
The research deals with English terminological units from professional sublanguage of social and psychological support sphere. The correlation between structure of the terms under the analysis and ways of their translation into Ukrainian and Russian languages is investigated. The conclusion is made that transcoding and descriptive translation are the main translation strategies concerning sublanguage of social and psychological support. Special attention is given to translation of polycomponent terms as they form the core of the professional sublanguage under the analysis. Problems of abbreviations translation are considered too.
Katarzyna Banaś‑Sieradzka: Błąd i jego konsekwencje w przekładzie (na przykładzie tłumaczeń specyfikacji technicznych oświetlenia samochodowego)
Error and its consequences in translation on the example of technical specifications of external automotive lighting systems
The article is devoted to the issue of error in the translation (from Polish into English) of technical specifications of external automotive lighting systems. The author presents the structure of technical specification and the characteristics of the specialist text. Next, the author presents the classification of errors and enumerates the types of errors found in the translation of the specifications. Finally, the author presents the consequences of wrong translation, gives some sources of the errors and suggests some guidelines for preventing errors in translation.
Due to the complex nature of the discussed issue, the article focuses only on selected error types characteristic for the non-literary text, which is a technical specification.
Justyna Sekuła: Błędy popełniane przez adeptów zawodu tłumacza w przekładach niemieckich wyroków sądowych
Errors made by future translators in translations of German judgements
In the theoretical part of this article the author describes difficulties in translating German civil judgements into Polish and errors in translations of this kind of specialized texts. He also presents formal requirements for sworn translation, included in The Sworn Translator’s Code. In the practical part of the article the author shows the results of a research conducted among students of German philology. It also includes a list of errors committed by the students in translation of a German judgement of divorce. The translation has been made according to the formal requirements for sworn translation, included in The Sworn Translator’s Code.
Dżulietta Markusik: O błędach tłumaczeniowych w korespondencji handlowej polsko‑rosyjskiej
On translation errors in Polish – Russian commercial correspondence
This article shows the most typical errors in the translation of Polish – Russian commercial correspondence. These errors occur when inexperienced translators use Polish publications containing quasi-original templates of business letters, ignoring Russian norms, standards and guidelines.
Rzecz o tłumaczach
Сергей Сидоренко: Посол современной украинской литературы в России (переводческая деятельность Елены Мариничевой)
The ambassador of contemporary Ukrainian literary prose in Russia (Yelena Marinicheva’s translator and journalist activity)
The paper draws attention to the translation achievement of the Russian translator and journalist Yelena Marinicheva, who introduced the best works of the contemporary Ukrainian literary prose to Russian readers. The paper highlights the translator’s passionate desire to do away with ethnic, psychological and historical stereotypes and phobias and promote understanding and sympathy between the two neighbouring nations, Ukrainians and Russians.
The paper looks at the motives behind Yelena Marinicheva’s interest in the contemporary Ukrainian prose, above all its openness, sincere appeal to the reader, vibrant emotions and autobiographic nature.
Кадиша Нургали: Критики об искусстве художественного перевода
Critics on the art of literary translation
The article considers issues of criteria that characterize the quality of literary translation. These criteria were developed by the outstanding Kazakh literary critic Nikolay Rovensky and formed the basis of a large number of classifications. The article also provides examples of the most successful translation of lyrical poems from Kazakh into Russian and carries out their analysis.
Нана Мревлишвили, Эка Чикваидзе: Проблема переводчика в древней Грузии и основные методологические аспекты исследования вопроса
The Challenge of Translation in Ancient Georgia and Main Methodological Aspects of the Study of the Issue
The study of literary heritage of Georgian translators and the identification of individual linguistic-terminological qualifiers is important for in-depth research of the issue, as well as for the establishment of the identity of anonymous translators. Frequently the names of a translator, copyist or sponsor are intermixed. Additionally, the cases of erroneous attribution of translators of the same literary school and the same period to other translators are not rare. In such conditions, it is obvious that several factors are to be taken into account for the establishment of actual identity of a translator: 1. Historical sources about the work; 2. Literary traditions;
3. Method of translation, based on which literary school and, respectively, probable time and place of the given work can be ascertained. 4. For the completeness of information national stylistic norms used for this or that translation are to be studied. The following factor is to be taken into account when making a conclusion: the stage of career the translation was performed, since translators continuously elaborated and refined translation method or terminological structure. The work reviews theoretical material on the basis of two works performed pursuant to translation standards of the Gelati Theological school: Gelati version of the interpretation of Ecclesiastes and the Torturing of St. Barbara. The presented methodology has enabled us to critically review the conclusions that existed in scientific literature about the translators of the Gelati version of Exegesis of Ecclesiastes and of the Torturing of St. Barbara and set forth a new direction for the research.
Наталья Санжаревска‑Хмель: Василий Щурат об украинских переводах поэзии Юлиуша Словацкого
Vasyl Shchurat About Ukrainian Translations of Julius Słowacki’s Poetry
This essay is dedicated to Vasyl Shchurat’s research Juliusz Słowacki in Ukrainian Literature and Translations (1909). Vasyl Shchurat is a Galician poet, translator, as well as a researcher in the field of literary studies, history and pedagogics. His name, though, belongs to the forgotten names of Ukrainian science. His love for Polish poets, especially decadents, had a great influence upon his work as a translator. Shchurat’s translations are considered to be among the best in Ukrainian literature. His knowledge of several European languages allowed him to show numerous masterpieces of Polish, French, German, Russian, Byelorussian and Check literatures to the Ukrainian readers. Being a skilful translator, Shchurat dedicated one of his researches to the analyses of the translations of Słowacki’s works into Ukrainian. Though there was no theoretically elaborated translation studies during his lifetime, his opinions on that time translations of Słowacki’s works coincide to a great extent with the opinions of modern researchers, which is due to Shchurat’s immense experience as a translator.
Zjawiska gramatyczne w przekładzie
Małgorzata Borek: O przekładzie rosyjskich predykatów stanu na język polski
About translation of Russian predicates of state into Polish language
The article aims to describe ways of translating Russian predicates of state which belong to a separate part of speech in Russian grammar, known as the “category of state”. The scope of use of these predicates is much wider than in Polish language and an easiness of creating them in belles-lettres and in a common speech is noticeable. There exist predicates which are problematic to translate into Polish, like for example: совестно, конфузно, обидно, оскорбительно, тревожно, досадно and so on.
Examples for the analysis were taken from Russian literary pieces and their translations into Polish language.
Anna Drzazga: Polskie ekwiwalenty tłumaczeniowe angielskiego aspektu progresywnego – na materiale wybranych współczesnych powieści brytyjskich
Polish Translational Equivalents of the English Progressive Aspect – Based on the Analysis of Modern British Fiction
The present paper focuses on aspect in Polish and English. The author concentrates on the problem of the translation of the English progressive aspect into Polish. The first part of the paper concentrates on a very brief contrastive analysis of aspect in both the languages. Following is the analysis of the Polish translations of the English progressive aspect. The corpus material is taken from modern English fiction.
Przestrzenie przekładu, tom 3
Red. Jolanta Lubocha-Kruglik, Oksana Małysa, Gabriela Wilk
Katowice: Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Śląskiego, 2019
ISBN (wersja drukowana) 978-83-226-3560-5
ISBN (wersja elektroniczna) 978-83-226-3561-2
Spis treści
Od redaktorów
Przekazujemy do rąk Państwa trzeci tom monografii zbiorowej Przestrzenie przekładu. Zebrane tu prace przekładoznawców z Polski, Rosji, Ukrainy i Estonii są wynikiem interdyscyplinarnego dyskursu, w którym zetknęły się różne metody stosowane we współczesnych badaniach nad przekładem – zarówno artystycznym, jak i specjalistycznym. Pokazują one jak pojemna jest przestrzeń przekładu, wykazują też jej wielowymiarowość, czego efektem są szerokie możliwości interpretacji opisywanych zjawisk. Publikacja kierowana jest do wszystkich, których ta dziedzina interesuje – zawiera zarówno propozycje teoretyczne, jak i rozwiązania szczegółowe.
Monografię podzielono na trzy główne części. W pierwszej z nich omówione zostały zagadnienia ogólne, możliwości wykorzystania w badaniach nad przekładem metod eyetrackingowych, rola paratekstu w warsztacie tłumacza oraz możliwości przekładu tekstów filozoficznych i nienormatywnych.
W części poświęconej przekładowi artystycznemu odnajdujemy konkretne rozwiązania dotyczące utworów reprezentujących różne pary językowe, a więc również różne kultury. Wiele z zaprezentowanych tu prac zawiera nowe propozycje, pozostałe zaś wzbogacają dotychczasowe ustalenia, stanowiąc punkt wyjścia do dalszej dyskusji.
Na trzecią część tomu składają się artykuły z zakresu przekładu specjalistycznego, tradycyjnie już przynoszące wiele rozwiązań praktycznych, które z pewnością zainteresują tłumaczy tego rodzaju tekstów, ale też adeptów zawodu. Nie ulega wątpliwości, że prezentowane tu podejścia nie wyczerpują wszyst- kich możliwości opisu i interpretacji. Należy je zatem traktować jako propozycję i zachętę do czynnego włączenia się do dyskusji. A więc – do kolejnego spotkania!
Jolanta Lubocha-Kruglik
Oksana Małysa
Gabriela Wilk
Zagadnienia ogólne
Monika Płużyczka: Eyetracking jako poszerzenie translatorycznej perspektywy badawczej
Eye Tracking – the Way to Expand the Research Perspective in Translation Studies
The paper presents the eye tracking method as an innovative way to extend the boundaries of the research possibilities and our knowledge about translation. Eye tracking consists in registration of eye movements and the analysis of eye movement parameters during information perception and processing. The method is based on the assumption that eye movement parameters are indicators of particular mental processes involved in the translation task.
The author shows possibilities of eye tracking by providing various experimental results and their interpretation, as well as by pointing out the parameters the analysis of which leads to translation‑relevant outcomes. In the article the last findings are also presented: “spatial saccadic movements”, i.e. saccades directed beyond the stimulus. The reasons for that kind of movements proved to be highly interesting: they are related to the use of long‑term memory.
The author of the article also presents verification of the implemented parameters and examination of various analytical units. Such vast procedure made it possible to determine the analysis of which units and parameters provided the most reliable and revealing results. Moreover, the analysis resulted in quite unexpected (as regards other interpretations that have been introduced so far) outcomes that enabled to significantly revise the role of some eye tracking parameters. Generally, the findings of the selected research procedure made it possible to introduce epistemic and methodological fundaments of eye tracking translation studies.
Weronika Sztorc: Jak powstaje przekład? Przypisy dotyczące warsztatu tłumacza
What Do We Do When We Translate? Footnotes Concerning the Translator’s Workshop
The article draws attention to a group of translators’ footnotes speaking about the work on translation. This appears to be a function of footnotes that has not yet been studied in detail. Paratexts of this kind are a proof of a conscious and diligent approach to the translator’s work, and on the other hand they remind the reader about the translator’s presence and raise awareness about the character of their responsibilities. The context for the discussion of the collected material are the notions of illusionism and anti-illusionism as introduced by Jiří Levý, as well as the notion of romantic irony. The analysis of specific footnotes showed what the reader can learn about the translators’ activity. Among other things, it is that there are various acceptable variants of translation, that inevitable losses can occur, and that significant modifications of the source text may be necessary. The commentaries also highlight the fact that translation requires choosing of strategy, taking a number of decisions, searching for information in various sources, asking for help, and applying creative solutions. Footnotes also mention a number of notions known from translation theory (especially philological translation in opposition to free transla- tion), not always used according to their meaning as recognized by scholars. The presence of such paratexts might possibly be connected with the contemporary desire for the translators’ work to be noticed and appreciated by the readers.
Patrycja Bobowska‑Nastarzewska: O przekładalności idiolektu filozofa – garść autorskich refleksji o przekładzie tekstów filozoficznych
On the translatability of a philosopher’s idiolect – a bunch of the author’s thoughts about the translation of philosophical texts
This paper centres on the author’s considerations concerning a selection of her translations of philosophical books from French into Polish, including Plotinus or the Simplicity of Vision by Pierre Hadot (2004), Intellectual Autobiography by Paul Ricœur (2005), Philosophizing ad Infinitum by Marcel Conche (2007) and Speech and Action in Heraclitus. On the Theoretical Foundations of Moral Action by Michel Fattal (2013). In the paper, the author discusses the specific nature of translation of a philosophical text constituting an example of a scientific (non‑literary) text. She defines the notion of idiolect and analyses a number of elements of the idiostyle of the philosophers listed above. These elements include: the work titles, the beginning and the end of the text, the style, including primarily the (non‑)emotionality and metaphorisa- tion as well as the meta‑language and selected terminological aspects. As a preliminary point of the paper, the author presents a hypothesis, trying to substantiate it in her analysis, that a scientific text, including a philosophical one, is distinguished by an individual style of its author, whereas non‑emotionality, impersonality and non‑subjectivity are only the postulated features of a scientific text.
Anna Głogowska: Od rosyjskiej fiełosofii do polskiej chwilozofii. Etymologia ludowa w tłumaczeniu
Russian „fyelosofiya” vs. Polish „chwilozofia”. Folk etymology in translation
The author of the article discusses the question of folk etymology in the context of skaz stylistics, including the specificity of abnormality and the aim of using folk etymology in literature . The Slynx novel by Т. Tolstaya and its Polish translation by J. Czech were selected as the research material. The analysis of both texts allowed to draw a conclusion that the translator, on the one hand, tries to maintain a certain level of abnormality of the text, but on the on the hand, the results of his attempts are sometimes undesirable (e.g. unjustified sophistication of the text).
Przekład artystyczny
Joanna Warmuzińska‑Rogóż: Przyczynek do refleksji nad procesem wydawniczym na przykładzie quebeckich Dzieci stamtąd Arlette Cousture w polskim przekładzie
Reflections on the Publishing Proces on the Basis of Polish Translation of the Novel „Ces enfants d’ailleurs” Arlette Cousture
The article is a reflection on the specificity of the decision‑making process and, more broadly, the publishing process of the literary work on the basis of the novel Ces enfants d’ailleurs Arlette Cousture. Publishing its Polish translation in Poland primarily due to the involvement of The Bridge Foundation, a non‑profit organization promoting the idea of ‟Stop the culture of waste”. The Foundation initiated collection of waste paper in Poland, money raised in the campaign was used for the purchasing the two thousand Arlette Cousture’s novel for district libraries in Poland. The choice of Cousture’s work was influenced by the theme of the novel because the author describes fate of a Cracow family, which during the World War II finds refuge in Canada. This example is very characteristic of selection method and pub- lishing process of literary works belonging to ‟small literatures”. On the basis of Ces enfants d’ailleurs and other works of Quebec literature published in Poland, the author shows several characteristics relevant to the publishing process and the presence of literature in translation in the receiving culture.
Сергей Сидоренко: Поликультурный мир романа Марии Матиос Солодка Даруся в оригинале и русском переводе
Multicultural world of Maria Matios’ novel „Sweet Darusya” in the original and its Russian translation
The paper explores how the cultural diversity of the Carpathian Bukovina region featured in Maria Matios’ novel Sweet Darusya, one of the most conspicuous works of the 21st century Ukrainian literature, is reflected in the speech of its characters and how the authors of the Russian translation of the novel dealt with the challenges posed by the specific nature of the local vocabulary. The etymological analysis has proved that the multi‑layer culture of the region shaped by various national influences during its complex history determined the polygenetic nature of the local lexicon. Etymologically, three dominant language sources can be singled out: Romanian, German and Polish. The author carried out the comparative analysis of the original Ukrainian text and its Russian translation to determine the inventory of means employed by the translators to convey to the Russian reader the multicultural colouring of the novel’s language.
Aurelia Kotkiewicz, Renata Niziołek: Biesy w Moskwie. O polskim i francuskim tłumaczeniu powieści Mistrz i Małgorzata Michaiła Bułhakowa
Devils in Moscow. On Polish and French Translations of Mikhail Bulgakov’s „The Master and Margarita”
The article is a comparative analysis of two translations of Mikhail Bulgakov’s The Master and Margarita. The first of these is a translation into Polish by the trio of translators: Grzegorz, Leokadia, and Igor Przebinda, while the latter is a French translation by Claude Ligny. The authors pay special attention to the ways in which the translators try to recreate in their native languages the unique aura of the Moscow of 1930s, which is made tangible through allusions, situational comedy, verbal humour and elements of the grotesque. The analysis also makes use of current translation theories by Antoine Berman and Lawrence Venuti as well as Russian theories of translation.
Zofia Małysa: Kulinarny trójkąt na trawie – o tłumaczeniu tytułu obrazu Édouarda Maneta Le Déjeuner sur l’herbe
Culinary triangle on the grass – on translation of the title of a painting “Le Déjeuner sur l’herbe” by Édouard Manet
The article discusses influence of translation transformations on the reception of the French artist’s painting. The analysis of the title in an original version and its translation into other languages aims at investigating its relationship with iconographic layer of the painting as well as analysing how specific translator’s suggestions can shape the perspective of recipient’s expectations .
Piotr Mamet, Gabriela Wilk : „Miłosne” gry słowne Agenta 007 w tłumaczeniu na język polski i rosyjski
Agent 007’s “Love” Word Plays and Their Translation into Polish and Russian
The article analyses the methods of translations of word plays which appeared in James Bond’s speech concerning women, their beauty, clothes as well as their relationships, including the erotic ones, with the Agent. The analysis covers 10 puns in the source language and their 20 translations into Polish (voice over and subtitles) as well as 10 translations into Russian (dubbing). One may conclude that the Polish translators managed to obtain the effect of pragmatic equivalence. The translation into Russian, on the other hand, very often does not render word play thus losing the comic effect of the original.
Лукаш Гемборек: Синкретизм слов как способ выражения юмора. Переводческий аспект
Verbal syncretism as a way of expressing humour. Translation aspect
The article makes an attempt to describe verbal syncretism as a way of presenting humour in the source text and its translation. The author exemplifies this on the basis of the ironic crime story Harpie by Joanna Chmielewska and its Russian translation made by V.S. Selivanova. The collected material was divided into three groups: common lexis, highly formal lexis (including archaisms) and dialectal expressions. The analysis revealed that certain semantic losses occur in the process of translation. Despite this, it is still possible to retain an analogous communication effect.
Анастасия Уржа: «…Сказал он» или «…вздохнул он»? Интерпретация глаголов, вводящих речь, в русском художественном переводе
“…He said” or “…he sighed”? Translation of reporting verbs into Russian in a literary narrative
The article is focused on the phenomenon of interpreting reporting verbs that introduce direct speech (e.g. “say”) in Russian translations of fiction. English reporting verbs are regularly substituted by words with emotive and evaluation meanings, descriptions of gestures and mimics in Russian translations of different literary genres, especially of books for children. The article accumulates and systematizes grammar, semantic and stylistic aspects of this phenom- enon and compares two opposing views on the issue in contemporary translation studies. The strategies chosen by different translators are studied in the article not only in cultural, but also in functional linguistic perspective.
Людмила Галий: Перевод многокомпонентных местоименных конструкций с подлежащим предложением с английского на русский и украинский языки
Translation of constructions with pronominal expressions and subordinate clauses from English into Russian and Ukrainian
The article presents constructions including pronominal expressions and subordinate claus- es in English and their translation into two languages of different structure – Russian and Ukrainian. The material has been excerpted from two novels, one of which was written in 1887 (A Study in Scarlet by A. Conan Doyle) and the other one in 2011 (The Sense of an Ending by J. Barnes). Material subjected to the analysis is varied since both novels include monologues, dialogues, descriptions and digressions. Their translation and commentary concerning applied translation strategies can provide a useful source for translations of other works.
Сирье Купп‑Сазонов: Переводят ли мужчины и женщины действительно по‑разному? (на материале четырёх эстонских переводов повести А.Н. Толстого Золотой ключик, или Приключения Буратино)
Do women and men really translate differently? (four Estonian translations of the story by A. Tolstoy „The Golden Key, or The Adventures of Buratino”)
Today the role of the translator’s gender is quite actively researched in linguistics, and in translation studies, however, it should be noted that in Estonian theory and practice of translation this topic has not received enough attention yet. In the current article four Estonian translations of the story by A. Tolstoy The Golden Key, or the Adventures of Buratino are compared and analysed. Two of the translations (from 1946 and 1964) belong to female translators and two (from 1996 and 2016) to male translators.
Different researchers have suggested some characteristics that distinguish “female” translations from “male” ones:
1) more emotionality and expressiveness;
2) additional words;
3) following the structure of the original text;
4) neutral vocabulary.
Based on the analyse of these four Estonian translations it can be said that the third and the fourth characteristics can be easily found, while the first and the second arguments prove to be not true, since in “male” translations there can be found some additions that are not present in original text. Diminutives are also used more often in “male” translations than in the “female” ones.
In conclusion it can be said that one can distinguish some features that make female translations differ from male ones. However, some earlier observations do not prove to be true, at least in Russian-Estonian translations .
Małgorzata Borek: Poezja Afanasija Feta w przekładzie na język polski
Poetry of Afanasy Fet in Polish translation
Afanasy Fet is considered a poet who was able to gather and communicate in his poems the most delicate shades of beauty given to man by nature, love and art. What is the most difficult to present in translations of his works is a unique composition, full of internal musical perspective. The article is devoted to the analysis of translational procedures used in translations of selected poems into Polish.
Aleksandra Jackiewicz: „Moja poezja niczego nie tłumaczy”. Różewicza portret w przekładach na język hiszpański
„My poetry justifies nothing” Różewicz’s portrait in the translations into Spanish
The article aims to show, basing on the older and newer translations of the poetry of Tadeusz Różewicz into Spanish, the difficulties which might be encountered by the translators who resolve to translate the representation of uncertainties and doubts in the insecure areas
of life depicted in this poetry. The contrastive study of the poem Moja poezja and its translations into Spanish will verify whether the translators managed to capture and transfer the characteristics of the poetry of drastic simplicity. The present article is based on the concept of translation as a re‑creation of the source texts put forward by Juan Herrero Cecilia and on the theory of translation as „the experience of the foreign” put forward by Antoine Berman. The purpose of such a juxtaposition is to determine whether the translation choices made by the translators reveal their awareness of the characteristic style and texture of the selected poem. These assumptions will also allow to determine if the Spanish interpretations of Różewicz’s works might be considered as independent poetic achievements.
Przekład specjalistyczny
Ewa Białek: Translaty nieopisane – badania empiryczne (na materiale rosyjsko‑polskim)
Undescribed translated items – an empirical research (on Russian-Polish material)
The paper is devoted to the issue of compiling pairs of translational equivalents on the basis of texts as sources of rich equivalence. Three types of equivalents having a status of undescribed translated items (which means that they have been so far parts of texts but not dictionaries) are investigated here. Undescribed equivalents in a Russian‑Polish comparison can be, appearring selectively in a contemporary bilingual lexicography, collocations with the actual noun sankcje (‘sanctions’). The texts have also enabled us to select new equivalents for the lexemes of вылазка, досье which have gained a new meaning (the first of them – ‘an attack, a terrorist attack’, the second – ‘an issue, a theme’).
Ilona Delekta: Eufemizmy na rynku pracy, czyli jeszcze o poprawności politycznej. Dylematy tłumacza
Euphemisms on the job market or once again on the political correctness Translator’s dilemmas
The article refers to the author’s previous article devoted to political correctness. This time it focuses on the English bizspeak, which makes an attempt at fulfilling the claims of political correctness and using more creative lexis, more and more frequently uses euphemisms and euphemistic expressions in order to motivate employees, stimulate their creativity and win over the customer. The article defines the euphemism, shows its role in various business contexts and makes references to research which shows both positive and negative aspects of using such a euphemistic jargon. As well as this the article contains rich exemplification material, which illustrates interpretation problems and difficulty or even impossibility of translating such busi- ness newspeak into Polish and finding appropriate equivalents that would not hinder business communication.
Анна Бонек: Переводческое толкование правовых текстов
Translational interpretation of legal texts
Based on the achievements of the anthropocentric theory of human languages, each understanding of a text is a specific understanding of a particular individual. A translator who has at his/her disposal a graphically executed language expression, which contains nothing but a graphic substance in itself, has to try to reproduce the meaning of a legal text, striving to bring his/her own understanding closer to the way of understanding of the author of the text. The rules of interpretation of legal texts used by the authors to create and interpret their texts will be helpful. I will call the process of reconstructing the meaning of legal texts, which is based on the rules of interpretation of legal texts and the principles developed within the course of translation studies, as “translational interpretation of legal texts”.
Joanna Janusz: Teoria skoposu w przekładzie włoskich tekstów specjalistycznych z zakresu prawa karnego. Studium jednego przypadku
Skopos theory in translation of Italian criminal law texts A case study of one example
The aim of this article is to present on a very specific example the changes the original texts goes through in the process of translation depending on the assumed addressee of the translation and their competences. The methodological base is the skopos theory with its modification. This work compares two types of translation strategies (foreignization and domestication) and two types of addressees (familiar vs. unfamiliar addressee) in translation. The subject of this translation analysis and translation is the original Italian criminal law document
„Ordine di esecuzione” (a writ issued by the Public Prosecutor, directing any executive officer to convey the person named in the writ to a prison or jail, and directing the jailor to receive and imprison the person.
Давид Адамчик: Термины трудового права и специфика их перевода (на материале трудовых кодексов Российской Федерации и Республики Польша)
Labor law terms and the specificity of its translation (based on material from the labor code of the Russian Federation and the labor code of the Polish Republic)
The aim of the following article is an examination of the labor law terms and a description of its translation specifically based on a comparison of the Republic of Poland’s and the Russian Federation’s labor code terminology. In the beginning the notions of specialist’s language, terminology and terms are presented. Then the features of terms and its significance to law translation are described. The last issue raised is the analysis of Polish and Russian labor law terms, on the basis of which the conclusions are drawn.
Anna Kizińska: Polskie ekwiwalenty terminów związanych z przysposobieniem (prawo rodzinne) – studium przypadku
Polish equivalents of English adoption-related terms (family law) – case study
This paper aims at suggesting Polish functional equivalents of the British terms joint adoption, foreign adoption and donation of embryos that do not appear in most popular bilingual specialist dictionaries, IATE base or the forum for translators In this article the definitions of English terms coming from texts of doctrine of the law of the United Kingdom as well as the definitions of their Polish equivalents (if they appear in the sources of the Polish law or doctrine) have been presented. The phrases under analysis constitute terms according to the definition of Sager and incongruent terms according to the definition of Šarčević. In the article the term translation technique is interpreted in accordance with the definition by Hejwowski and functional equivalent – according to Šarčević.
Magdalena Łomzik: Nazwy instytucji w tłumaczeniu poświadczonym – w teorii i praktyce
Names of institutions in certified translations – in theory and practice
The translation of names of institution into specialized texts, in particular in certified trans- lations, rarely becomes a subject matter of interest to translators. This article aims to provide an insight into the proposed ways of dealing with the names of institutions in certified translations, which, as a particular type of specialized translation, require maximum fidelity to the source text. Theoretical considerations on the translation of institutional names were confronted with the choices of translators, which were analyzed on the basis of the collected translations certified in the Polish‑German language pair.
Aleksandra Wojnarowska: Wyrazy realia a przekład współczesnych bułgarskich przepisów kulinarnych na język polski
Words “realities” vs. translation of modern Bulgarian culinary recipes into Polish
This article is part of a master thesis concerning the translation of modern Bulgarian culinary recipes into Polish. It raises the characteristic aspect of the language which are the words ‟realities” – culturally dependant lexical gap. Words ‟realities” can be considered as a culture carrier. In the recipes they are the names of the characteristic activities, products, as well as the prepared dishes typical for the cuisine of a given nation. They are a description of what is often typical in the kitchen of the starting culture, but foreign to the cuisine of other cultures or nations .
The article has been divided into three parts, which correspond to the individual ingredients of the recipe: 1) title, 2) list of ingredients, 3) the method of preparation. Each part describes translations of the ‟realities” words occurring in the relevant component. Since the article is based on an unpublished, original translation, the translation of each word contains a descrip- tion of the translation process, as well as a comment on the resulting product, which is the final translation.
Justyna Sekuła: Platforma MOODLE i metoda WEBQUESTU ‒ czyli innowacyjne zajęcia z przekładu specjalistycznego
The Moodle platform and the WebQuest method ‒ innovative classes in specialist translation
In this paper, the author presents basic information regarding Moodle and work on the WebQuest method, she discusses the possibilities of using the Moodle platform and WebQuest methods for conducting classes on specialist translation (in particular, teaching the specialist terminology and phraseology of German court judgements). By providing a practical example of the implementation of a translational task, she outlines the advantages of using the platform and work with the indicated method during specialized translation classes.
Ewa Zwierzchoń‑Grabowska: Oprogramowanie CAT w pracy początkujących tłumaczy
CAT software in the work of beginner translators
The aim of the article is to analyse how application of the CAT software assists a human translator from the perspective of beginner translators. However, individual features offered by different CAT software differ from product to product, most of them contain main modules as such translation memory and translation management system, and offer collaborative translation, sharing of TMs and term bases with other translators. Compared to machine translation MT, the real task of translation in computer aided translation CAT is made by the human translator. He is also the one who is responsible not only for the final quality of target text, but also for proper handling TMs and TBs. The question is, what are the costs and benefits of using CAT software, particularly creating and using TMs and term bases by translators beginning computer aided translation.
Przestrzenie przekładu, tom 4
Red. Jolanta Lubocha-Kruglik, Oksana Małysa, Gabriela Wilk
Katowice: Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Śląskiego, 2020
ISBN (wersja drukowana) 978-83-226-3821-7
ISBN (wersja elektroniczna) 978-83-226-3822-4
Spis treści
Od redaktorów
Oddajemy do rąk Państwa kolejny tom monografii Przestrzenie przekładu. Szerokie potraktowanie tematu, zawarte w tytule, pozwala na prezentację wyników, w których uwzględniono różne podejścia metodologiczne w ujęciu interdyscyplinarnym.
Autorzy artykułów, które znalazły się w tomie, poruszają wiele bardzo istotnych zagadnień, ukazując całą gamę możliwości interpretacyjnych. Łączy je jedno – wszystkie pozostają w sferze przekładu. Przedmiotem refleksji były więc zarówno kwestie o charakterze ogólnym, jak i szczegółowe zjawiska analizowane na podstawie przekładów tekstów literackich i specjalistycznych.
W części pierwszej poświęconej przekładowi artystycznemu autorzy omawiali między innymi tematykę związaną z wielojęzycznością i jej implikacjami dla przekładu, analizowali możliwość adaptacji kontekstu kulturowego w przekładzie i problemy z tego wynikające. Część druga zawiera teksty ukazujące specyfikę przekładu filmowego i scenicznego. Badacze zwracają tu uwagę na mnogość kodów kulturowych, których oddanie staje się dla tłumacza prawdziwym wyzwaniem. Osobną część poświęcono zagadnieniom stojącym na pograniczu badań konfrontatywnych i przekładowych. Przedmiotem opisu były tu zjawiska szczegółowe dotyczące na przykład przekazu ram modalnych, aliteracji czy realizacji semantyki perswazyjności. W części dotyczącej prze- kładu specjalistycznego omówiono problemy związane z przekładem terminów, wskazano na konieczność konfrontowania ustaleń z badaczami reprezentującymi różne języki. Ponadto zaprezentowano aspekty prawne odpowiedzialności zawodowej tłumaczy. Tom zamyka część, w której przedstawiono wyniki ustaleń związanych z warsztatem tłumacza i dydaktyką przekładu. Wskazano w niej na praktyczne możliwości wykorzystania nowych narzędzi i nowych programów w pracy tłumacza oraz na konieczność opanowania nowych technologii.
Wielogłosowość dyskusji, której wyniki przybliżamy w przedkładanej monografii, pokazuje, jak ważna jest współpraca między badaczami reprezentującymi nie tylko różne języki, ale też różne obszary zainteresowań. Wyrażamy nadzieję, że prezentowany tom będzie zachętą do kolejnych spotkań, do kolejnej wymiany doświadczeń.
Jolanta Lubocha-Kruglik
Oksana Małysa
Gabriela Wilk
Przekład artystyczny
Joanna Warmuzińska‑Rogóż: Jak przetłumaczyć dwujęzyczny oryginał? O możliwym tłumaczeniu na język polski manifestu przekładowego Re-belle et infidèle / The Body Bilingual autorstwa Susanne de Lotbinière‑Harwood
How to translate bilingual original? About the possible translation into Polish of the translation manifesto „Re-belle et infidèle” / „The Body Bilingual” by Susanne de Lotbinière-Harwood
Translation manifesto, written partly in French, partly in English, Re-belle et infidèle: La traduction comme pratique de réécriture au féminin / The Body Bilingual: Translation as a Rewriting in the Feminine (1991) by Susanne de Lotbinière‑Harwood, in which the author expresses his deep commitment to translation is the basis for reflection on the multilingual original and the possibility of its translation. This is one coherent text in which, using two languages, the translator describes his own translation strategies, appropriate for both languages, resulting from the theoretical aims underlying the feminist translation. De Lotbinière‑Harwood focuses on criticizing the patriarchal language, depreciation of women and the need to make them visible in language and in social life. It seems that the only way to transfer such an inherently bilingual text to the third culture would be a translation using the translation tools of de Lotbinière‑Harwood herself and supplemented with a paratext.
Małgorzata Ślarzyńska: Polska recepcja słowno‑obrazowej twórczości Dina Buzzatiego
The Polish Reception of Dino Buzzati’s Pictorial and Verbal Works
The article focuses on the analysis of Polish reception of Dino Buzzati’s ouvre: his short stories published in journals (especially in „Przekrój”) in the 1960s, the late Polish translation of his most important novel The Tartar Steppe (1940) which was published in 1977, and other Polish translations of his books. The attention is paid especially to the translation of his outstanding graphic novel Poema a fumetti (1969), fragments of which were published in „Literatura na Świecie” in 1977 (no 12). The analysis considers the factors which had determined the process of Polish translation, as well as the way in which the fragmentation of the comic’s structure influences its fabular aspects in context of translation.
Aneta Wielgosz: Adaptacja kontekstu kulturowego w polskich przekładach Bajek przez telefon Gianniego Rodariego
Cultural Context Adaptation in Polish Translations of Gianni Rodari’s “Fairy Tales over the Phone” (“Favole al telefono”)
The subject of this article is cultural context adaptation of three semantic categories: personal names, geographical names and names of foods and dishes in three Polish translations of Gianni Rodari’s short stories for chidren Fairy Tales over the Phone (Favole al telefono, 1962). This extremply popular book has been translated into Polish thrice: by Zofia Ernstowa in 1967, by Ewa Dąbrowska in 1996 and by Ewa Nicewicz‑Staszowska in 2012. In this article, based on G. Klingberg’s definition of cultural context adaptation and M. Ippolito’s qualificaton of translatorical strategies used for culturally specific elements in children’s literature, the author analyzes different techniques used by three Polish translators to facilitate the understanding of elements of Italian cultures that can be found in Rodari’s fairy tales. The treatment of those elements depends on editorial and translatorical customes of various decades, but also on translator’s individual vision of implied children’s reader and more specifically, on this reader’s ability to uderstand and accept foreign culture.
Zofia Małysa‑Janczy: Aspekt kulturowy generowania przypisów w polskim i rosyjskim tłumaczeniu Mapy i terytorium Michela Houellebecqa
Cultural aspect of generating footnotes in Polish and Russian translation of “The Map and the Territory” by Michel Houellebecq
The article discusses cultural aspects of generating footnotes in literary translation. Its first part is devoted to footnotes status and its three categories: neutrality, innocence and lack of meaning. The second part of the article is a contrastive analysis of footnotes in Polish and Russian translation of the French novel The Map and the Territory [La Carte et le Territoire] by Michel Houellebecq focusing in particular on antroponym‑related footnotes.
Ганна Филатова: Переосмысление прецедентных феноменов в «Мифологической трилогии» Роджера Желязны и её русских переводах
The rethinking of precedent phenomena in the “mythological trilogy” by Roger Zelazny and its Russian translations
This research is concerned with the analysis of precedent phenomena that are used in the fiction and their interpretations in translations. The illustrative examples are the “mythological” novels by R. Zelazny and its Russian translations.
Лукаш Гемборек: Проявления карнавализации в Детях Луны Бориса Акунина и их польском переводе
Carnival manifestations in “Children of the Moon” by Boris Akunin and their Polish translation
The article is an attempt to present the manifestations of carnivalisation in the novel Children of the Moon which is one of the parts of the series “Brüderschaft with Death” written by Boris Akunin, Russian artist, compared to their Polish translation by Piotr Fast. During an analysis, it has been noticed that the translation of elements of carnavalisation requires different solutions, because sometimes it is impossible to replace Russian words with their Polish equivalents and thus absolutely preserve the meaning that was conveyed by text of the original. The translator used i.a. functional equivalents (e.g. in the case of replacing the Russian letter Г with the Latin letter L). Besides the translation aspects, it has been noticed that a comparison of words from different registers (e.g. lexemes defining exalted phenomena became names of buildings of everyday use, e.g. a restaurant-refectory “Holly Rus”) is also the manifestation of carnivalisation. In the case of the Polish translation, the signs of carnivalisation were largely preserved, thanks to which they have not violated the perception of the game for the Polish reader .
Давид Адамчик: Культурная инаковость в русском переводе книги Мариуша Вилька Дом над Онего
Cultural differences in the Russian translation of the book by Mariusz Wilk “Dom nad Oniego”
The aim of the article was the characteristics of cultural differences and the reference to the literary translation of a journey on the basis of the material from one of the book by Polish journalists Mariusz Wilk. In the theoretical part, apart from mentioned notions, there were also characterised Polish cultural realities. Analytical part was devoted to the study of the ways of translation of chosen types of realia nomination, indicating on the cultural differences, what enabled to form conclusions.
Александр Богуш: Архаизация и названия реалий в переводе (на материале детективов Марека Краевского)
Archaization and names of realities in translation (in the material of Marek Krajewski’s crime novels)
This article analyzes the ways of translating archaisms and names of realities in the material of the translation of Marek Krajewski’s novel The Minotaur’s Head into the Russian language. The author concludes that lexical archaisms in Russian can be reflected both by means of full equivalents as well as with using various transformations e.g. semantic shift or periphrasis. Some kinds of archaisms have been translated using equivalents existing in the contemporary language. The names of realities have been adapted to the knowledge of the potential recipient of the translation. For this purpose, generalization has been used. The names of military and police ranks important for the content of the work have been transcribed or barbarism has been used.
Мария Ненарокова: Латинское средневековое наследие в польском гимнографическом корпусе: переводы Ave, maris stella
Medieval Latin Heritage in the Polish Hymnographic Corpus: the Translations of “Ave, maris stella”
In the Middle Ages, Latin hymnography united all the peoples of Europe who fell under the ecclesiastical jurisdiction of Rome during the divine service. The most well‑known Medieval Latin hymns were translated into popular languages. They were performed during church services in European languages. It was necessary to translate the hymns anew, because the languages developed, and the old texts became ununderstandable with the development of the language. The article deals with three translations of the well‑known hymn Ave, maris stella… Two translations made by the Polish poet‑sentimentalist Franciszek Karpiński are included in the prayer book Droga do nieba. One more translation is included in Śpiewnik kościelny, compiled by the priest Jan Siedlecki (first edition in 1878). Analysis of the translations shows that they are made with fairly great accuracy, bear the imprint of the translator’s personality and can tell something about the recipients of the translation.
Ирина Григорьева: Трудности перевода поэзии Марины Цветаевой
The difficulties of Marina Tsvetaeva’s poetry translation
The current article is devoted to the investigation of problems which Marina Tsvetaeva’s poetry translation attempts may encounter. The article offers reflections on the process of translation of M. Tsvetaeva’s poetry into English, Polish and Ukrainian and highlights the main issues associated with it. In particular, the matter of translating Russian‑language poetry into English is considered. Several poems are analyzed in the context of their translations into the aforementioned languages, and my own English‑language translations of some of Tsvetaeva’s poems are proposed.
Szymon Bryzek: O błędach translatorskich Macieja Maleńczuka (na materiale wybranych utworów Włodzimierza Wysockiego)
About Maciej Malenczuk’s translation errors (based on the material of Vladimir Vysotsky’s selected songs)
This article attempts to analyze translational errors observed in Polish translational of Vladimir Vysotsky’s selected works by Maciej Maleńczuk. These pieces were included on the musician’s 2011 music album, under the title Wysocki Maleńczuka. Analyzing the material I tried to indicate the reasons for the errors and their consequences for the reception of discussed works.
Aleksandra Nocoń: Przekład wielojęzyczności na język polski na przykładzie francuskojęzycznej poezji maurytyjskiej
Translation of multilingualism into Polish based on the example of francophone poetry of Mauritius
The article analyses three poems of a well known Mauritian poet, Umar Timol, from the perspective of translation studies. The author depicts the difficulties, faced in process of translating, which result from poet’s multilingualism as well as from cultural and historical conditions. The major problem is the choice of translation strategy in case of loanwords adopted from English, Creole or Hindi languages which coexist with French in Mauritius. Seeking translation dominant in the poetry proves to be equally important. The particular attention is given to the prosody and melody of the text. Finally, the author ponders on the translator’s attitude towards the Polish reader, especially on his role in deciphering the intertextual references.
Estera Sobalkowska: Vasko Popa w przekładach Tadeusza Różewicza
Vasko Popa in Tadeusz Różewicz’s translations
This text deals with the poems of Vasko Popy, which appeared in Poland in the translation of Tadeusz Różewicz. Importantly, they were friends, they knew each other personally, they discussed poetry, but above all they presented similar poetic styles – they were both minimalists. Różewicz, translating Popa, left a piece of himself in his poems. Undoubtedly, he was the propagator of Popa’s work in Poland.
Przekład filmowy i sceniczny
Piotr Mamet, Anna Majer, Gabriela Wilk: Agent 007 i M w ocenach wzajemnych – polski i rosyjski przekład wybranych fragmentów filmów
Agent 007 and M in mutual assessments – the Polish and Russian translation of selected film fragments
The article presents the results of the analysis of the language of M and James Bond in terms of their mutual assessment and criticism. The study has been limited to eight films – the ones in which Judi Dench plays the role of M, as a woman manager.
The analysis covers the comparison of the original English source with its Polish (voice over and subtitles) and Russian (dubbing) translation, with the aim of investigating how the translators have dealt with the specificity of the language of the main characters.
As for general conclusions, the wisecrackery of the utterances of 007 and M requires a lot of translation skills and creativity on the translator’s part. Even though most of the choices the translators made seem legitimate, considering the limitations inflicted by the conventions and types of translation, some may raise doubts and pose the question if a different linguistic choice would express a given original concept better. Apart from reasonable conciseness, all three types of translations show a tendency to limit the use of swearwords or to exchange them with weaker expletives. Also, many originally tentative statements have acquired a more straightforward and direct character in their Polish and Russian translations.
Anna Paszkowska: Wielojęzyczność w dialogach filmowych
Multilingualism in film dialogues
The article analyses translation of films including dialogues in various languages. It also presents possibilities and limitations resulting from using specific techniques of audiovisual translation which play a significant role in conveying this characteristics of reply lines used by film characters. Film dialogue is not solely limited to an exchange of information between interlocutors. It is also used to provide a viewer with information on character’s background, education, membership in a particular social group and relationships between film characters. One of the techniques used by film authors is using linguistic realism.
Maciej Małek: Antroponimy w przekładzie scenicznym
Anthroponyms in stage translation
The article is devoted to the issue of translation of anthroponyms in stage translation. The article presents tasks and functions of anthroponymus and theirs most popular ways of translation. The purpose of this article is the presentation of methods of anthroponym translation in the Nikolaj Gogol’s play – Marriage as well as describing specificity of translation techniques applied in translating the drama into Polish. Pursuant to the materials author proves that anthroponyms are one of the most troublesome during the work with the text and shows how theatre semiotic helps translator in his work.
Badania konfrontatywne a badania przekładowe
Анастасия Уржа: Реализация семантики персуазивности и неопределённо‑личности при переводе фантастических текстов
Expressing low degree of certainty and indefinite agent in translations of fantastic texts
The article is focused on the trends in translation of fantastic novels from English into Russian, employing words and constructions denoting the low degree of certainty and indefinite agent. The results of the comparative analysis of three Russian translations of the B. Stoker’s novel Dracula show that the translators who wish to stress the mysterious character of the events employ Russian sentences with the predicate in the third person plural form denoting indefinite agent and thus point out that the subject, that is not named, is alien and strange to the speaker. Interpreting the original words and word combinations expressing the low degree of certainty, they also add such words to their translation. These two methods create the same effect within in the translation strategy, exaggerating the mysteriousness of the fantastic plot.
Anna Rudyk: Polskie odpowiedniki przekładowe rosyjskiego leksemu рад
Polish translational equivalents of the Russian lexeme “рад”
The article discusses the ways to translate the adjective рад into Polish. The factual material comes from Polish-Russian Parallel Corpus. The study shows that even though there are many counterparts in the dictionary, other ways are also used to achieve equivalence in a translation .
Моника Чмель: Особенности передачи модусных рамок (на примере романа Людмилы Петрушевской Номер Один, или В садах других возможностей и его польского перевода)
The characteristics of expressing modus frames (by the example of Lyudmila Petrushevskaya’s novel Number One, or In the Gardens of Other Possibilities and its Polish translation)
The objective of article is to analyze more interesting examples of how to translate modus frames from Russian language into polish language in a translation by Jerzy Czech of the novel by Lyudmila Petrushevskaya Number One, or In the Gardens of Other Possibilities . The article analyzes how translation can affect the structure and characteristics of a modus frames. Particular attention was paid to the subject and predicate of the modus frames in translation.
Lubomír Hampl: Kuriozalny tekst literacki, czyli aliteracja po raz drugi – porównanie polskiego przekładu z czeskim oryginałem
A bizarre literary text or aliteration for the second time – a comparison of the Polish translation with the Czech original
A utility text has been selected for this analysis, serving a wide range of recipients. I would like to prove that a “good” translator can deal with any intricate or complicated text, especially in terms of language (grammatical, stylistic, symbolic, semantic and pragmatic), which is the subject of the translation process.
In the translated text, we will not only deal with an innovative compositional solution, but also with an attempt to merge the language functioning in certain social groups in which a partial cultural and social transformation of reality has been observed. It is not without significance in such precisely presented types of translation (analyzed cabaret texts) that aesthetic and social activities play an important role, which are adapted to the native culture of the language of the translated text. Due to the fact that the presented Czech‑language text was not previously translated into Polish, we can observe some innovative translating strategies implemented by the translator, while retaining the assumed artistic effect of alliteration.
Татьяна Гаранович: Cтруктурнo‑cемантические особенности белорусского синтаксического фразео‑ логизма як было не + инфинитив и его соответствия в английском языке
Structural and semantic peculiarities of the Belarusian syntactic idiom “як было не + infinitive” and its English correspondences
The article provides an overview of Russian studies in the field of syntactic phraseology. It is noted that the term syntactic idiom is currently new in the Belarusian phraseology, and this type of phraseological units has not been studied. The article dwells on structural and semantic features of the Belarusian syntactic idiom як было не + инфинитив and on the specificity of the lexical content of its variable component. Two English correspondences of the syntactic idiom are singled out and analyzed.
Przekład specjalistyczny
Ewa Białek: Rosyjsko‑polskie pary przekładowe: studium kilku przypadków
Russian-Polish pairs of translation equivalents: a study of a few cases
The article presents the results of research on the description of diplomatic vocabulary in the translation dictionary (“Diplomacy and politics. Russian‑Polish dictionary survey”). The process of extracting equivalents from texts and creating entries is illustrated by ten examples. The author analyzes selected pairs of equivalents from three perspectives: lexicographical, comparative and translational perspectives.
Давид Броновски: О специфике перевода терминов из области таможенного права на польский язык (на основании текста Таможенного кодекса Таможенного союза)
The specific conditions of translation of the customs legislation terms into Polish language (on the basis of the text of the Custom Code of the Customs Union)
This article addresses the analysis of the specific conditions of Translation of the customs legislation terms from Russian language into Polish language. This analysis was conducted on the basis of the text of the Custom Code of the Customs Union as well as the prepared Russian‑ Polish dictionary of the terms related to the customs issues. The said issue should be viewed in two terms: of the incorrect choice of equivalents in bilingual dictionaries as well as the translation of any new terms that appeared in the text of the Custom Code of the Customs Union.
Katarzyna Strębska‑Liszewska: O ekwiwalencji w tłumaczeniu terminologii odszkodowawczej (na przykładzie języka angielskiego i polskiego)
Equivalence in the Polish-English and English-Polish translation of legal terminology (related to compensation and damages)
The present paper is concerned with the problem of equivalence in the Polish‑English and English‑Polish translation of legal terminology related to compensation and damages. The Anglo‑Saxon legal system differs from the codified continental systems as far as the terminology is concerned. The set of terms and their Polish/English equivalents presented here allows us to understand why the majority of theoreticians is inclined to apply a “scale” of equivalence instead of referring to the lack or presence thereof. The analysis is evidence that it is most frequently the facultative or approximate type of equivalence which one may encounter in the legal translation. Hardly any pair of equivalent terms may be deemed an example of absolute or total equivalence – such a conclusion can be arrived at by comparing the two legal systems. Under the circumstances, what seems to be the most convenient solution for a translator of legal texts, is to apply a functional equivalent.
Natalia Shlikhutka: Сharakterystyka leksyki specjalistycznej na materiale słowackich tekstów medycznych
Characteristics of specialized lexis on the material of Slovak medical texts
The main purpose of the article is the characteristics of medical terminology based on the analysis of the Slovak specialization paper in the field of orthodontics. In the first part of the article the author presents the main definitions, subject of terminology research and defines the most important features of terms. Then presents researches and authors of the most important Polish and Slovak publications in that field. The theoretical part is followed by analysis of Slovak language material enriched with numerous examples of medical names and their derivatives. The article ends with conclusions summarizing the results of the analysis and the issues raised in the study .
Aleksandra Wojnarowska: Łacińskie nazwy anatomiczne oka i ich słowiańskie ekwiwalenty
Latin and anatomical names of an eye and their Slavonic equivalents
The following paper features the topic of Latin and anatomical equivalents of an eye in Polish, Bulgarian and Slavic languages. The paper is a linguistic description of the individual parts of the eye. It is oriented on translation studies through individual terms consideration on the basis of their equivalents in three Slavic languages. The paper has a comparative nature and its aim is to show lingustic tendencies in the nomenclature of optician anatomic names in the languages mentioned.
Warsztat tłumacza i dydaktyka przekładu
Justyna Cichoń: Odpowiedzialność prawna tłumaczy
Legal liability of translators
This article is devoted to the legal liability of both sworn translators and translators who provide translation services without having to pass the relevant exam. The aim of the article was to thoroughly analyze the obligations and responsibilities of individual translators.
The article discusses the status and legal regulations regarding each translator and the scope of services provided by them. In addition, both civil liability, which applies to all translators, as well as penalties and professional liability of sworn translators, are explained. The issues of responsibility towards authors of original works, on the basis of which translators create separate dependent works, are also presented.
The analysis is a compilation of a broad catalog of penalties, possible claims and obligations of translators, with the aim of showing that only by knowing well their rights and obligations, resulting from both applicable laws and separately regulated ethical norms, as well as fulfilling them reliably, translators can avoid liability to the disciplinary board or civil liability.
Paweł Łapiński: Na usługach wielu panów. Tłumacz literacki w perspektywie programu Sample Translations ©POLAND
Serving many masters. Literary translator from the perspective of Sample Translation ©POLAND program
The article is aiming at analysing the Sample Translations ©POLAND programme, within which the Polish Book Institute is giving literary translators financing for 20 pages of a translation to be furtherly presented to foreign publishers. The analysis is based on the example of the French book market and focused on two main aspects.
The first analysed aspect is the effectiveness of the programme with regard to its key assumption (the promotion of Polish literature abroad), which can be assessed from two perspectives: the circulation of titles among the readers and among the publishers.
The second analysed aspect is the actual and potential impact of the programme on the position of translator on the market, as well as on his / her global and particular choices in translating. The undoubted advantages related to public financing of translator’s professional activity are juxtaposed with debatable influence the programme may have on the translator by binding him / her to the source culture and requiring from him / her persuasion skills characteristic for literary agent.
Надежда Голтвяница, Елена Хавкина: Системы контекстуального поиска Linguee, Reverso и ABBYY Lingvo Live в профессиональной деятельности переводчика
Contextual search engines “Linguee, Reverso” and “ABBYY Lingvo Live” in translator’s professional activity
The article deals with contextual search engines as one of the most powerful and relevant tools used in the work of translators. The authors explain the operational principle of the contextual search engines. The properties, advantages and disadvantages of three contextual search engines (Linguee, Reverso and ABBYY Lingvo Live) are identified and compared. It is also analysed and illustrated how these engines can speed up and simplify the work of the translator, and how they contribute to the formation of professional competences in the training of trilingual translators.
Светлана Зверева: Дидактические возможности CAT‑инструментов в повышении качества подготовки переводчиков
Didactic potential of CAT tools in improving the quality of translators training
The use of CAT tools is treated in the article as the new requirement of the translation industry. The paper describes the process of working with the translation platform Memsource at Minsk State Linguistic University. The principles of work, functions and advantages of the translation memory program are given. The skills that students must master to become competi- tive specialists in the translation market are enumerated.
Przestrzenie przekładu, tom 5
Red. Jolanta Lubocha-Kruglik, Oksana Małysa, Gabriela Wilk
Katowice: Wydawnictwo Naukowe „Śląsk”, 2020
ISBN 978-83-8183-050-8
Spis treści
Przekład — zagadnienia ogólne
Sambor Grucza: Dziś zmienia się szybko: o konieczności pozyskiwania translatorycznej wiedzy prognostycznej
Today changes fast: about the necessity to acquire prognostic knowledge for translatiorics
Alicja Pstyga: Między oryginałem a przekładem — teksty prasowe z perspektywy krytyki i dydaktyki przekładu
Between the original and the translation — press texts from the perspective of critical and didactic translation
Przekład artystyczny
Кадиша Нургали: Художественный перевод как форма связи литератур в работах Заки Ахметова
Literary translation as a medium of communication between two literatures in the scholarly works by Zaki Akhmetov
Zofia Małysa-Janczy: Intersemiotyczność w literackiej i fotograficznej twórczości Michela Houellebecqa
Intersemiotics in Michel Houllebecq’s literary and photographic works
Ewa Kapela: „Gorzkie pigułki w słodkim lukrze”, czyli o tłumaczeniu aforyzmów Stanisława Jerzego Leca
“Sweet icing on bitter pills” — on the translation of Stanislaw Jerzy Lec’s aphorisms
Łukasz Gęborek: Elementy karnawalizacji w polskim przekładzie cyklu Borisa Akunina „Bruderszaft ze śmiercią”
Elements of carnivalesque in the Polish translation of the cycle “Brüderschaft with Death” by Boris Akunin
Szymon Bryzek: Aspekt muzyczny i semantyczny polskiego przekładu Песенки о солдатских сапогах Bułata Okudżawy
Musical and semantic aspects of Polish translation of Песенкa о солдатских сапогах by Bulat Okudzava
Dawid Adamczyk: Elementy postkolonialne w polskich repоrtażach podróżniczych i ich rosyjskich przekładach
Postcolonial elements in Polish travel reportages and their Russian translations
Aleksander Bogusz: Slang przestępców w polskim przekładzie powieści Обитель Zachara Prilepina
Criminal slang in the translation of Zakhar Prilepin’s novel Abode into Polish
Екатерина Кузьмина: Николай Лесков в трёх английских переводах: сравнительный лингвистический и культурологический анализ
Nikolai Leskov in three English translations: comparative linguistic and cultural analysis
Олеся Веклич: Вопрос отображения индивидуального стиля сардинской писательницы Грации Деледды в переводах
The facets of individual style of the Sardinian writer Grazia Deledda as a translation issue
Przekład sceniczny i filmowy
Agnieszka Adamowicz-Pośpiech: Przekład dramatów dla teatru. Tradaptacja The Bourgeois Gentilhomme Jatindera Vermy
Translation of drama texts for the theatre. Jatinder Verma’s tradaptation The Bourgeois Gentilhomme
Maciej Małek: Czy tłumaczenia tytułów tekstów scenicznych mogą bawić?
Can stage play titles be amusing in translation?
Daria Ogon: Strategie tłumaczenia nacechowanych kulturowo jednostek języka w przekładach dramatow Nikołaja Kolady
Strategies of translation of culture-specific items in Polish translations of Nikolay Kolada’s stage plays
Piotr Mamet, Anna Majer: Fawlty Towers po polsku, czyli o trudnej sztuce tłumaczenia kalamburow filmowych
Fawlty Towers in Polish — on the difficult art of translating puns
Anna Paszkowska: Gry języka i obrazu
Language and vision games
Badania konfrontatywne a badania przekładowe
Lubomir Hampl: Dysproporcje leksykalne w czesko-polskiej komunikacji językowej
Lexical disproportions in Czech-Polish language communication
Зденка Недомова: К проблеме эквивалентов зоологической терминологии (на материале русского и чешского языков)
Equivalents of zoological terminology (in Russian and Czech)
Zagadnienia przekładu specjalistycznego
Лукаш Плесник: К проблеме передачи топонимических терминов как особого типа специального перевода (на материале русского и чешского языков)
To the problem of transferring toponymic terms as a special type of special translation (based on Russian and Czech languages)
Katarzyna Strębska-Liszewska: Zerowy margines błędu, czyli o problemach tłumaczeniowych na przykładzie polskiego i angielskiego języka tekstów medycznych
No margin for error or translation problems in the Polish and English language of medicine
Przestrzenie przekładu, tom 6
Red. Jolanta Lubocha-Kruglik, Oksana Małysa, Gabriela Wilk
Katowice: Wydawnictwo Naukowe „Śląsk”, 2022
ISBN 978-83-8183-137-6
Spis treści
Przekład — między teorią a praktyką
Marzena Chrobak: Przekład ustny oraz inne formy komunikacji językowej podczas rejsu dookoła świata pod dowództwem La Pérouse’a (1785–1788)
Joanna Warmuzińska-Rogóż: Speak White, Speak What, Speak Red. O (nie)możliwym przekładzie intertekstualnych oryginałów w bezustannym dialogu
Adam Krzyżowski: George Steiner i Karel Čapek, czyli fikcja o prawdzie
Dominik Kudła: Kompetencja tłumacza w lokalizacji gier wideo
Refleksje o przekładzie artystycznym, poetyckim i melicznym
Renata Niziołek: Do czego służy razkozianek mortyny? O francuskim przekładzie Kongresu futurologicznego Stanisława Lema
Zofia Małysa-Janczy: Mimesis krytyczna w prozie Michela Houellebecqa
Кадиша Нургали, Виктория Сиряченко: Cпецифика перевода русскоязычного художественного текста на казахский язык (на материале рассказов А.П. Чехова)
Ганна Филатова: Проблема перевода интертекстуальных единиц в речевой характеристике персонажа
Anna Rudyk: Wybrane leksemy emotywne w przekładzie na język rosyjski
Anna Bednarczyk: Leonid Martynow, Wiktor Woroszylski i Problem tłumaczenia (w kontekście kilku innych przekładów)
Szymon Bryzek: Bard tłumaczy barda? Obława Jacka Kaczmarskiego i Oхота на волков Władimira Wysockiego
Tłumacz i jego dzieło
Wanda Józwikowska: O genezie angielskiego debiutu Soli ziemi Józefa Wittlina
Ewa Białek: O rosyjskiej tłumaczce Oldze L. Katrieczko i jej przekładzie powieści Idę w tango. Romans histeryczny Joanny Fabickiej
Zagadnienia przekładu tekstów specjalistycznych
Patrycja Bobowska-Nastarzewska: Przetłumaczyć dyskurs naukowy. O przekładzie tekstów Michela Fattala
Зденка Недомова: Oлимпийские игры и спортивная терминология в русском и чешском языках
Lubomír Hampl: Czeski luňák versus polska kania — różnice przekładoznawcze
Елена Вишневская: Средневековая латинская секвенция: проблема переводческого комментария
Alicja Bańczy: Tłumaczenie nazw sądów polskich na język francuski — między egzotyzacją a domestykacją
Марек Хованец: К вопросу о переводе названий налоговых преступлений со словацкого на русский язык
Гао Цзяи: Bлияние технологии распознавания речи на качество последовательного перевода в комбинации русского и китайского языков
Przestrzenie przekładu, tom 7
Red. Jolanta Lubocha-Kruglik, Oksana Małysa, Gabriela Wilk, Anna Paszkowska
Katowice: Wydawnictwo Naukowe „Śląsk”, 2023
ISBN 978-83-8183-170-3
Spis treści
Przestrzenie przekładu, tom 8
Red. Ewa Kapela, Anna Paszkowska, Gabriela Wilk
Katowice: Wydawnictwo Naukowe „Śląsk”, 2024
ISBN 978-83-8183-224-3
Spis treści